Turkey Day...........
Sugarplumb Fairy....

You know your kid has autism when they use the Christmas tree as another opportunity to line things up.....! :)
A week off...and it was good! We did great with the break from school/services. Yeah, there we had our moments...but nothing related to being on break. Super cool!
We did some art projects, went to the park with Heather and her niece Liz, hit Lowe's, and even went to Big Lot's and spent Thanksgiving money that grandpa and grandma Seifert and our Omi sent us! We celebrated Thanksgiving, dad was home for 4 days straight, and we ended the week with putting up our new Christmas tree! Such a neat week.
Ok, so the park and hanging out with Liz was AWESOME! We met her first when she started coming to our summer school to help out. She's almost 9 and she's the coolest big kid EVER! When we were at the park she played lots of games with me and tried her darnedest to help Safi conquer her fear of the pitfall slide. She took me down it bunch of times and each time Safi got less and less upset...mom calls it habituation...whatever that is. Then it came time for us to leave and Safi asked to go down the slide, just like she had last time. She got up there and started to freak out...just like last time. Liz just sat next to her and offered silent support. Well, I decided that I needed to replay the last time we went to the park and freaked out getting into the car. We left Safi up there to work it out on her own. While everyone was focused on my meltdown, nobody noticed that Safi had quietly gotten off the play structure by herself and come to the car. She was so proud of herself...I was a screaming mess. So, a tremendous success for Safi...now we have to work on getting me out of my loop. I do that, I get into loops where I have to do things the same way every time...even if it means melting down.
Thanksgiving was ok...I love turkey. Safi had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We both had our moments of freaking out but all in all an ok day.
We went to Bog Lot's with our money, save for the dollar we each took to the bank...check out the video. It was cool...lots of stuff, also lots of people. Turns out I kinda get freaked out by new stores now. I was doing pretty well until I realized where I was then I started screaming and wanting to imitate what people around me where doing. We got outta dodge fast...but not before buying out treats with our money. We gave it to the cashier ourselves and everything. Even got some change! So cool.
The icing on the cake...putting up our Christmas tree. You know how we feel about Christmas...L-O-V-E!!!!
So, great week...now back to the grind!
When mom asked Safi what she was going to do with her Turkey Day money she said, "I takin' it to the bank" without skipping a beat...mom wasn't able to get that on video but she was able to bait us into a half-hearted replay on our way there!
We made up this tree decorating song as we decorated...what can we say, Christmas moves us!
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