It was a long week, not a bad week, but it seemed to drag on forever! Was an even longer weekend and we're all a little drained.
Nixi had school on Monday and Tuesday, culminating in a pre-Thanksgiving feast! Mom and the other grown-ups did a potluck thing, so I got to eat a cookie! Nixi's teachers set up a holiday table with fake candles and everything. They had cheese and crackers, apples slices, and pumpkin pie. Nix wasn't into anything but the crackers...asking for seconds and thirds! She did pretty good in class both days (Heather was there), but the fallout later at home was pretty epic.
I had a short week and I'm off until the 28th. Bummer!! We made cool turkey hats, though...and I used the school toilet at least once each day. Teacher Mel asked us all what we were thankful for and I said, "mommy kisses and daddy hugs." Mom had my first parent-teacher conference and Teacher Mel had nothing but great things to say. I'm meeting all of my goals from my IEP (individualized education plan). Pretty exciting.
I think Nixi told you about our weird visit with the OT last week. So, mom cancelled her for awhile, asking that she check in on Nixi when she's in class instead of coming to the house. Mom's instincts were dead on for this one...when Thursday rolled around and teacher Lorene showed up both Nixi and I said "No teacher Jo today, all done teacher Jo." Mom hadn't mentioned anything to us about not seeing her at the house for awhile, nor had she talked about it to anyone else in front of us. So, that was just our way of saying that we weren't wanting a home visit.
We hit Lowe's a few times during the well as the park. Turned out I didn't get sick, but Nixi got a nasty cold. So, we hung out around the house until she didn't have a fever again. Saturday we had a pretty hairy day, from start to finish.
In the morning dad took us to get fancy donuts from the donut shop. We left a little late and when we got there it was crowded. I kinda lost it and started hitting Nix and screaming...of course, she started screaming and we were off and running for the rest of the day. We went to the park, it was fun at first. Some older kids were helping the little kids play hide and seek. The big girl, in particular, was carrying Nixi around and hiding her and I wanted her to do it with me too. So, I started getting a little screechy and upset with Nixi. Mom helped facilitate play between us all and it was ok. I rode my trike and Nixi road her scoot and zoom around. Then I went to swing before we left, and the park quickly filled up...I mean really packed. I thought I saw Nixi on a particular slide that I really want to go down, but am afraid to go down and I flipped. I asked to go on the slide, mom said ok. I got up there and began to scream that I was scared...I mean really scream. Everyone stopped and stared and the other kids were scared. Mom had to climb up there and get me. Nixi freaked out because dad was holding her and carried her to the car...she needs to walk. Basically, we both totally lost it. We had to be forcibly put in our car seats, and I ended up giving mom a pretty intense pounding. It was awful. Mom says we're going back to the park Monday and either a)conquering the slide or b) at least going to leave on our own two feet!
So, that was the week....this coming week will be interesting between rainy weather and no school for us both. I guess Thursday is Thanksgiving...boy am I gonna miffed if the day doesn't end with me snuggled up next to a fluffy, feathery turkey!!!
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