Safi's drawing of Tom and Jerry...note she even wrote "cat"!
Someone left this supportive sticky note on mom's rear windshield when she was out shopping...
I apologize in advance...this blog entry is gonna be a short one. We're getting sick...AGAIN! Safi woke up with a fever Sunday morning and I started to get one later in the day. Good grief! We plan on getting flu shots at some point, but seems we keep getting random viruses.
Either way, mom has a bunch of crafts for us to do, 'cuz Safi's gonna be super bummed about missing school. Should be fun!
I had an ok couple of days at school. Teacher Shannon was back and Lorene and others were there to give me support. I did some fun art projects and got to eat cheerios! Good enough for me!
Safi had some great days at school...even getting to call home and tell mom when she went on the school potty 3 times!! So cool!
We had a weird home visit with my OT, teacher Jo and Lorene. Turns out teacher Jo is afraid of dogs due to a past experience. In the year she's been coming here she hasn't said a word, but she kind a freaked on Thurs. Winny licked her ear and she said she couldn't do this anymore and wouldn't come out to the house again if he wasn't kenneled. Mom, of course, put Winny in the kennel immediately...but also reminded teacher Jo that had she EVER said previously that she wasn't comfortable with him milling around she would have always had him in there. Weird. Mom's wondering is maybe she wasn't annoyed with something else. Specifically, she kinda seems bugged by Safi's presence during our sessions sometimes. Mom's gonna address this with her next week. Teacher Lorene also made some comments that she thought I was leery of Safi. Mom couldn't take it and kind of unloaded on her. See, mom and dad are frustrated because the early intervention folks still don't seem to know Nixi. Of course this is due to the time constraints placed on them by the way the services are set up. Never the less, it still doesn't help us any if they don't know me...and they don't. I could go on about it, but we're just all drained. So, look forward to future rants! :)
This week should be interesting, sickies and all. Check back in next week to see how we all pulled through it!
Sisterly love!!! I just think its hysterical when Safi blinks!
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