Ok, its just too exciting to save for last....so I'm gonna go backwards this week. I USED THE TOILET!!!! Sunday morning mom outfitted our toilet with this cool attachable seat me and Nixi's size. So rad. She downloaded some potty time apps on the iphone, got a cool book, and we were off to the races! The whole deal started off pretty dicey. We were intrigued, but anxious because it was a big a change to the bathroom. Also, the potty seat was really wobbly and just didn't feel very secure. So, both Nix and I had a few bouts of screaming and such...but after we chilled out at nap time, and mom went our and got a different and better potty seat it was on like donkey kong! Turns out Nixi really can't pull her pants down on her own and she's having a hard time getting on the potty and feeling secure. She likes to get up there, hang out in a very tense manner for a second, then say "I did it" and hop right off. I, however, am determined to pee in the toilet. In my quest to go pee, I went poop....three separate times!! And I was totally cool with it! Didn't bother me one bit, only I really want to pee. Oh well. Mom has this cool thing, if we go to the toilet and do something we get to pick a color of food dye which is then dropped into the toilet when we flush so we get to make cool colors in the water! So much better than a sticker!! Ok, stickers rule....but we really like this, too. Its unique and special and we only get to do it in the toilet! So, we're heading towards a really cool milestone....potty learning! WooHooo!
It got pretty cold this week, and we even had some rain. Mom, Heather, Nixi and me went to Lowe's to check out the Christmas decorations...AWESOME...and to get a big box. Why a box? Rainy day playhouse! We made a super awesome house...I even figured out how to make it a mobile home! We colored on it with markers and decorated it with stickers and it was just so much fun!
I had a great week at school. I was bummed that I didn't have school Monday...but Halloween made up for that! Halloween was great! We had a mini pumpkin treasure hunt (think Easter egg hunt, but with little plastic pumpkins with goodies inside)played Monster Mash musical chairs, ghost bean bag "no hands", and we went trick or treating for the very first time! It was so coooool! We went to two houses, our next door neighbors...then we politely asked to go home. We had a really great Halloween.
Nixi had a rough two days at school. Heather was sick, and so was the normal teacher for her class...so two MAJOR changes in the normal routine. Nixi didn't handle it very well. By the middle of class on Monday mom had to go into the class because Nixi was in a full blown meltdown. She asked that they call Nixi's home visit teacher Lorene to come and offer Nixi some support and she was able to pull it back together for the rest of class. On Tuesday Nix barely made it through the front gate to the classroom before looking around and seeing her teacher was still absent and dropping to the floor screaming, kicking, etc. Her OT, teacher Jo came the rescue and her and Lorene helped her get through class. She got to make a really cool picture of an owl, complete with real feathers! Pretty neat. Hopefully this week is easier for her. Heather wont be there Monday, but she'll be there Tues. We shall see.
So, for the most part, that was our week. Some awesome greats, and some sad lows...but we're all still here! So, take a peek next week to see if we remain! :)
Check out our rainy day play house/mobile home!
Lowe's fun day............
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