So, what can I say, life is still giving me a hard time. I just can't seem to find my groove and, unfortunately, neither can anyone else because everyone is too busy dealing with me. I feel bad about it but there really doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it other than ride it out. Hopefully I an find some peace soon.
However, we still managed to have a pretty great week. Monday was a holiday for dad so we took him to Bravo Farms. For the first time ever mom, Safi, and I went into the huge multi level tree house they have there. I was a little nervous about all of the stairs but mom helped me navigate it. We went all the way to the top and got to bang on pots and pans to let everyone know we were there. Safi loved it..I thought it was cool, but kinda scary. We got to pet the goats and mom packed us a special snack. It was a good day.
Tues I was sick, so no school for me. I was kind of ok with that. Safi went to school and had a great day, as well as a great rest of the week. She's still going to the kindergarten on Wednesdays to play with her new friends. She really loves it and she does a great job of jumping right into their activities. Mom had to go and register Safi for her full time kindergarten next year. We stayed home with Heather and I was so out of sorts that I even played with Heather's hair. I've never played with any one's hair other than mom, so it was a sure sign that I'm starting to really trust Heather. I've always loved her and had fun with her, but never quite trusted her. So, it was kind of a break through.
Friday was great weather so mom took us to Riverway Sports Park. We haven't been there in ages. Mom was amazed at all of the things Safi was able to do that she was never able to do before. She climbed a huge cargo net, did the monkey bars, went to the top of the play structure and went down the enclosed slides. I followed as best I could, but I really loved jumping on these bride things. It was a really great day. Later, we got to play in the wading pool. It was so fun! We love wearing swimsuits and we had a blast going down the slide. It was a really great day...and we deserved a really great day.
Ok, so the BEST day of the week was Saturday. We got to go to our friend Sebastian's birthday party! He's 9...that's really old and means he can do really cool stuff. It was really fun, we had pizza and cupcakes...and dad went, too! Great time with great friends1 Also, for the first time we asked not to wear our weighted vests. This worked out ok, we got a little dysregulated at the end but it was still a great time. Later, mom and dad were feeling gutsy and took us to a sushi restaurant! It was AWESOME! I love sushi, and mom gave me my own California roll. We had tempura, teriyaki chicken, and they even made us chicken "nuggets" and french fries! Safi was feeling gutsy, too. She asked to use the bathroom! Now, Safi hasn't been using the potty for the past month or more. not even once a day. So, mom quickly ushered here in there. The music was blaring and Safi covered her ears, saying it hurt and she didn't want to go. Mom ran out and asked them to turn the music off. They did, and Safi went potty in a PUBLIC RESTROOM!!!! Crazy!!! It was so great! We enjoyed our meal, the staff was super understanding and nice, and I they even brought us a little ice cream before we left. It was just the greatest day EVER.
An update on the guinea pigs...Joan and Jett are feeling MUCH better. As a result, they're squirmy, nibbly, super FAST chicks with a ton of energy! We're having a blast feeding them treats on our laps, petting them gently, and watching them tear around the room at warp speed during their free range play time. So awesome!
So, hoping I level off and we cna squeeze in a blissfully uneventful week. Check back and see if we were able to make it happen!
Fun at the park~!
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