An interesting week...lots of fun, lots of up's and down's for me.
I've been in a weird place, lots of up's and down's, emotionally. Its rough on everyone, but we're still managing to have a pretty darn good time. Safi has been very understanding and has been learning to not talk to me or look at me when I'm upset. I'm always kind of up and down, but for the past 4 days its been extreme. One minute I'm laughing and happy, then next I'm sad or "crabby" and I tell everyone to not talk to me or to leave me alone. I'm having an especially hard time making simple decisions like what I want to watch on TV or what I want to eat for snack. See, inside I just don't feel right and my thoughts and feelings are all over the place. So, feeling generally not ok manifests itself in indecision and upset when nothing seems to make me feel right. Its hard for everyone around me because, at the end of the day, they really can't do anything right because I don't even know what I want or need. Like I said, though, everyone is taking it in stride and trying not to get too frustrated with me. As mom always says, the show must..and WILL go on!
In that spirit, we did some really fun stuff this week. I had school on Monday and Tues and it was really fun. Struggled a lot when I got home, but usually once I've gotten a nap and had a chance to "reset", I'm pretty good to go. The weather is slowly getting nicer and we've had a few days of playing outside in the sun! Sure beats the clouds...although, outside is great no matter what the weather.
Safi had a great week at school. She's getting better and better at really good spontaneous and unscripted speech. She even mocked mom when we picked her up one day. Mom asked her who she played with and she said Beyonce, and that they played "dolls"...or at least that's what mom thought she said. When mom repeated "dolls", Safi corrected her because she had said "draws". Then she shook her head, laughed, and said in a mocking tone "dolls?"..."draws!", shaking her head and laughing at mom. Mom says it was one of the coolest moments she's had since being a mom. To mock, one needs to "get it" on so many deeper social levels. Also, she mocked mom in good fun...and mom got the best laugh she's had in awhile.
We had a really great time on Saturday, taking dad to the sand park and going on the roller slide with him. Check out the second video! Not sure who had more fun?! It was really cool. Sunday we got to eat tons of junk food and watch the super bowl! We also got to talk to Grandpa Seifert and wish him a super wonderful, totally fabulous, love and laughter filled birthday! All in all, a great weekend!
Here's to hoping I balance out a little more this week...and here's to no heartburn from super bowl goodies! Have a great week!
Sandpark after first time going down the roller slide, with Safi's help!
Sandpark with mom and dad...
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