It was a rough week for me...really, really rough. Monday I had just the worst day I've ever had in my life. There was nothing mom, Safi, or dad could do that was right. NOTHING was right, everything felt ookie...on my insides and out. A lot of screaming, a lot of tears, and a lot of just plain desperation from mom and Safi. I'm not sure why I feel so bad...I just know that I do and I don't know what will make me feel better.
Tues was a pretty decent day. I got to bring Valentine's to school for my friends and mom got me special brownies with chocolate hearts to take for everyone at snack time. Even Safi and another big sister got to come into my class and eat snack with us. Afterwards when we were at home Safi out of the blue told me, "You did a good job at school, Nixer, you did a great job", and she hugged me and gave me a kiss. It made me feel really special.
Safi got to help mom put together her Valentine's for school. She picked which one would go to which kid and even her teachers! When we went to pick her up, her teachers had put together a special Valentine's bag for ME! It was just like the ones the kids in Safi's class got. It was really nice. We had a great Valentine's day.
Thursday was another really rough day for me. A close second to Monday in intensity and duration. I had a complete meltdown when we went to pick Safi up from school. Mom had to carry me to the car like a surf board. forcibly put me in my car seat...Safi covered her ears, saying they hurt because I was screaming so loud. When we got home mom had to forcibly take me out of the car and I screamed for a good 45 minutes or so after that. Finally mom was able to get me quiet and calm enough to have me sit on the couch under some weighted blankets, twiddling her hair. Safi was just heartbroken. She was so confused by how upset I was and she wanted comfort from mom but every time she went on mom's other side I would scream and try to hit or kick her. Then, I'd have to go into the bedroom for hitting/kicking, upsetting us both all over again. Poor us. A rough pattern to break when really upset. We managed to end the day ok and woke up Friday morning excited for a visit from Nana Cummings.
To get geared up for her visit, mom put her on our master calendar at the beginning of the week and did some social stories about the visit and the fun things we could do with Nana. By the time she arrived with her friend Dan we were pumped! We were go to go pretty much from the moment they got here. Dan had to go shoot in a competition...which he ended up doing really well at, so we only got to see him for a few. But we played a fun game of freeze/Simon Says with Nana, we took her to the arcade, we read books, and showed her our guinea pigs. On Sunday morning we all went to Target in our jammies and Nana bought us Dinosaur Train toys. We got to take her to the sand park and ended with a McDonald's picnic on the front lawn! It was really fun. This was the best, most relaxed, most fun visit we've ever had and it was just great. Safi had a minor meltdown once and I had a pretty major one, but we both recovered so we could continue the good times. We missed her when she had to go home. Dan even brought us Angry Bird hooded blankets. So cool! It was just a really great weekend!
So, a rough week for all...but an amazing end! Oh, and our guinea pigs had a brush with death earlier in the week. Both came to us from the pet store with upper respiratory infections...Jett's being borderline pneumonia. Mom got 'em into the vets ASAP, and with syringe feeding, a warm room, and antibiotics twice a day it looks like they're going to be just fine! Phew! We think they're pretty darn cool...wouldn't want to lose them! So, that was our week.........hoping I feel a little better this week and hoping everyone can take it if I'm not!
A little Valentine's night funky......
Us doing a song Heather taught us............
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