Long, hot week ended by a great morning at the park playing in the fountains!
Saf got to meet her new BIA. She seems really nice and funny. She got a kick out of Saf and seems to really understand what mom and dad are hoping to get from the consult services. So far, so good!
I had my first cranio sacral massage. Now, in general, I'm not a fan of strangers at all. Really not a fan of being touched by people other than mom, dad, and Saf. Mom thought we'd be in and out, just a chance for me to get a feel for the place. Well, I surprised them all by letting the therapist work on me for over an hour straight. Didn't cry once, just a few fidgets here and there. It was SOOOOO relaxing! My therapist said my "inner physician is wise". Check me out! On the ride home I was singing along with a toy I had...really singing....like the words and everything! Mom was pointing out different flowers to me and I correctly commented that some where white. When we got home and I was swinging I asked dad to blow bubbles. When the bubbles went in my face I touched my head, shook it "no", and said "bubbles", because I didn't like them in my face. Now, I'm a pretty awesome communicator as it is, but I was unbelievable for the rest of the night. The next day, back to just being good old wonderful me. What an amazing night, though! Mom will take me twice a month. Unfortunately, it's not covered by insurance and its an ongoing kind of therapy....so, twice a month will have to do.
See, one of the reasons why mom and dad don't try every therapy they read about for Saf, or for my sensory and anxiety stuff is because most of its not covered by insurance. They could afford to take us to try most of the therapies. The problem is that, what if they find some that do a little bit of good, just enough to fill up the optimism tank? Mom and dad would feel remiss if they didn't continue in the hopes of bigger and more lasting improvements. And that, folks, is how parents of special needs kids end up depleting their 401k's, savings, etc. before their kid is 5 years old. Mom and dad try to be prudent in their decisions so that they make sure that we'll have enough money to have really good lives once their gone. Its really hard on them to make those calls, I can tell they want so badly to help us both be happy kids...balancing that with the responsibility and reality that we will also need to be well cared for adults is tough. If they had it their way we'd be on a plane to Mongolia to have Saf worked on by Shawmen, and I'd have cranio sacral massage daily. Always the little voice in their head taunting them, "maybe if you just go for this one, it'll be the silver bullet." Or, maybe not, and then we'd really be up a creek. So, we'll just try what we can at a pace that keeps our present AND future in mind.
The rest of the week was great. We had a really great time up at the therapy center doing OT stuff. Dad got to go to school with us and Saf on Wednesday, which was awesome. He got to see Saf request physical help from someone other than him and mom, for the first time ever! Saf had a great day at school on Friday, and we had a great weekend.
Hey, I can't complain!
Have a great week and wishing all the dads out there a super fun Father's Day on Sunday!
P.S. no video this week, camera was acting up but mom and dad figured it out today so more next week!
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