Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! For Father's day, daddy got a Vikings mug, a bubble machine, and one heck of a sick kiddo...Nixi has strep throat! Poor kid.
We had a pretty neat week. I had my second meeting with my new BIA and it went really well. I even invited her to play in the bed under the covers with me, Nixi, and mommy.
I think she's nice....we'll see what happens when she's working directly with me. At this point she's still asking mom a lot of questions and doing a lot of writing. Either way, I'm ok with it all so far. I had school on Wednesday and it was super fun. I colored a picture for daddy and went on the play structure and down the slide on my own.
Nixi's interventionists are on vacation this week so she got to take it easy all week.
We had a visit from our Nana Cummings and that was super fun. I was a total ham and showed off as much as possible. Nixi started getting sick, so she wasn't in the mood for company. We went to the park and I went up the play structure on my own and down the HUGE spiral slide. It was awesome. A really fun visit.
Mom and dad got me a terrarium. See, I get that bee's sting...the bummer is, I've kind of generalized that to all flying things. So, when I was at the park I started screaming like I was gonna die because there was a fly on the play structure. Had the same problem at school when I was a fruit fly. So, mom went fly hunting yesterday and caught me two big ones. Their in my terrarium, where I can observe them from a safe distance and hopefully get over my fear. They're actually pretty cool. I even game them some donut for breakfast!
So, all in all a great week...minus Nixi getting sick. We'll see what this week has to offer. Hope this blog finds you all well, and look forward to updating you all next week!
Here's Nixi and me playing on our platform swing today...pardon Nixi's sloppy dismount, she is sick!
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