We had quite a week this week. There were a few days towards the end there where we were all a little out of sorts, but we pulled through the weekend in great spirits!
Because of the long weekend, we had a shorter treatment week. That was a good thing, because neither me nor Nixi were really feeling it by mid-week. We weren't sick, just maybe a little sick of schedules! You gotta take a break every now and again or it'll drive you crazy. With summer break coming up, we'll get a huge break...too huge, but it is what it is.
Tuesday was a bitter sweet day. We got to go up to the treatment center for Nixi's speech and OT an extra day. Sadly, we also had to say goodbye to our beloved speech therapist, teacher Jamie. She has been a part of my life since I was about 18 months old, she's been a part of Nixi's life since birth. We both got to see her twice a week, so we just took it for granted that she'd always be there. One thing I feel really good about is that last week I asked her for a hug all on my own, with no prompting, so I know she knows how much she means to me. Also last week, Nixi crawled over to her and put her head in her lap for a second, before freaking out and crawling back to mom. So I guess we both got to tell teacher Jamie how she special she is to us in our own way. We'll miss not seeing her every week, but mom says it's not goodbye...its just "see ya in awhile." That makes me feel better.
I had a rough day at school on Wednesday. It started off ok, I was having tons of fun playing with an Elmo toy with my OT Denise. I think I didn't have enough warning that my time was coming to an end because when mom's alarm went off I got super upset. I had a really hard time leaving and I banged my head a bunch. That made me feel even worse because I didn't want the people at school to see me so upset. I got embarassed. It stayed with me through to the next day. When we were up at Nixi's OT appointment I was still talking about Elmo and getting sad. The great news, though, is that mom talked to Nixi's case manager and got it so we can still go up to the treatment center every week! What a relief!
Nixi had some interesting stuff crop up. When mom and dad where holding her hands and helping her walk they noticed that her left leg turns all the way out when she puts pressure on it. She ends up walking in a big circle. Weird. We'll have to get that figured out.
We had a great weekend, though, and dad put up a new swing so we can both swing on the patio at the same time! As you can see from the picture above, I broke it in and had a blast doing it!
This week I meet my new BIA and Nixi has her first cranial sacral massage session...should be interesting!
We want to wish Cate a very special 2nd birthday...wish we could be there to help you blow out the candles and take your toys! Ok, maybe just the blowing out the candles part! Have a great birthday!
So, that's the highlights of our week. Hope you all had a great week.
Seriously, who does Nixi think she is...the Coppertone puppy?!
Daddy tickling Nixi on the swing....
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