Wow, what a week! Dad had the week off and we got to spend lot's of time just hanging out and having fun with him. We went to the park, Saf chased the geese and I got to go on some spinning thing with dad. It was so cool!
Saf had a great day at school for speech and OT. She was gonna try and do a part of preschool with the other kids on Wednesday, but she had a rough morning so she didn't make it. It was a bummer, but I got to hang out with her so I'm not complaining!
I had a great speech and OT session. I'm saying all kinds of things, like "turtle", "door", "hug"...and lot's more. It's kind of funny because I start saying some pretty advanced words, and then I just sort of stop. The words are still there, I just don't use them anymore, I move on to new ones. Its been months since I've said "thank you", "this is a", and "hi". So, whenever I say something new mom and dad are always trying to help me "keep" it. We're not really sure why I seem to "lose" some words, but we're working on figuring it out.
So, we went RV'ing for the first time this weekend. Mom and dad chose a campsite in the next town, so we could make a fast getaway if need be. It started out a little rocky, Saf didn't want to get in the RV. Mom took the video camera and quickly shot some video of me in my car seat and Saf's empty car seat, co-pilot, in the RV and showed it to her. She saw it and hopped right in. Dad did an awesome job or driving that monster, it was so fun. He said he was the pilot, Saf was the co-pilot, and I got to be the engineer! We got to our campsite and it was pretty packed. They were having a pediatric cancer fundraiser that weekend. Initially, Saf wasn't too keen on getting out of the RV. Mom took some video of the campsite and the pool we brought to play in and she was all for it! Mom and dad realized, though, that they need to put some autism awareness magnets on the RV....as the transition period was pretty LOUD! Once we settled in we had SO MUCH FUN! Winston relaxed, mom and dad broke out the snack food, and we played in our little pool for over 5 hours! Needless to say, neither of us took naps. So, mom and dad decided the better part of valor was to bail the overnight plan and head home while we were still feeling the RV love. We'll work up to the overnight stuff at our own pace. Didn't make any difference to us, we LOVED IT!
Yesterday mom cleaned the patio and set up our patio pool. We spent all day today hanging out in the pool and playing on the patio....I've never gotten to do that before. It was really fun!
So, we had just a great week. Hope you all had a good one and check back next week to see the haps in the Seifert roost!
The Seifert clan's maiden voyage...
Having super fun at the campsite.........
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