It is SO GOOD to have the blog back under our control! Darn hackers! Won't happen again...we changed our password to something really hard.
Be right back.
Sorry, I had to go tell Nixi to stop bugging me about telling you how cool our new password, "monkeyburger" is.
Oh crap.
Did I type that out loud?
My bad.
Back to the drawing board.
Oh well, its good to be back just the same. We had a great week...really busy.
I went to school on Wednesday and Friday and both were really good days. I had a bit of a hard time getting strapped into my car seat on Wed. when we were leaving school. Sometimes, I'm having such a good time and trying so hard to keep it all together that when I'm finally out of the situation...I crumble. Wed. was no exception. It took about 5 minutes to get on the road because I kept pulling the straps off of my arms, kicking the seat, and banging my head against the headrest. There's just so much to see and do at school, and I wanted so badly to have a great day and not let anything bother me. Everything has a way of building and building until I can't hold it in anymore........then BOOM!
Since I've been banging my head a lot more lately, mom decided on Thursday to start teaching me how to do a headstand. See, I feel a lot better when I get my tight squeezes...its like hitting a reset button. Well, banging my head is pretty much the same. So, mom figures if I can learn to do a headstand against the wall, I can hit that reset button all on my own without hurting myself. I thought it was pretty fun. I can do it with mom holding my legs, not so sure about the whole wall thing yet. Mom did it to show me and it freaked me out big time...but it also got me to try it on my own a few times. We'll keep trying, I guess. It's fun, anyways.
Nixi had an awesome week...she learned how to say, and use, the word "more". Can't think of a better word for a 1 year old to know.--Detect sarcasm here.-- Seriously, now she has a word for her demands. Good grief. She's also learned to ask to watch Dora the Explorer on T.V. by saying Dora, to ask to go outside by saying "sowside", and can label socks and shoes. That kid is a smarty! She had a great speech and OT session on Thursday, climbing on to the platform swing all on her own. It was even cooler because I spun her around..and around..and around on it so fast that the OT had to check her eyes at one point to make sure she was ok. It was SO COOL!
On Saturday we went to a birthday party and I got to feed Geese, and Mother's Day was really fun. We had just a great week. Hope you all had a great one, too.
Nixi will be back doing her entry next week, so make sure not to miss it! Also, we'll have some video next week. This week were all just too busy living life to document it! Have a great week!
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