Hey everyone! We had a great week last week!
I went to school Wednesday and Friday and had super fun! I went down a slide on my own, on my butt, for the very first time ever in my life! It was so fun! I also raced my OT down a side by side slide....she's a lot taller than me, or I would have won! My speech therapist made me an underwater picture to take home, it was cool! It was just a great couple of sessions.
We had an IEP for my extended school year services. During summer services my speech and OT will go down to just once a week, and I wont have any speech and OT for the whole month of July! I'm super bummed...not only do I enjoy the services, but I need them. Also, looks like my teacher is gonna be moving to another school. The bummer is that I've been spending all of this time getting used to my school, the good news is that I can go to the other school and follow my teacher if I want. I think I'm gonna. It means getting used to a new school, but my teacher has a son with Classic Autism so she just "gets me". I don't want to lose that, so I'll transition over to the new school in August.
Nixi has been picking up words like crazy. Her new words this week are: donut, diaper, Safi, and door. She now has about 15 words, and she's only 13 months..not too shabby! Lately, though, she's been having a hard time coping with stuff. She gets pretty upset over little things, and has even begun to bang her head. She's done it so hard that she's bruised herself and given herself a knot on her forehead. She also seems to like to lightly do it here and there throughout the day to just kind of see how different stuff feels on her forehead. Mom and dad are gonna take her for cranial sacial massage to see if that helps.
I tell you, sensory issues are rough. People just don't seem to get it. Nobody would like it if they had to sit still and let a bunch of ants crawl all over them, right? Well, for some reason, my sister and I are just about as uncomfortable in a myriad of situations throughout the day. Its just so hard to try to make yourself feel right when the outside world sometimes feels so wrong. We're just kids, how are we supposed to understand all of this. It may seem scary or strange to mom and dad, and everyone else, when we do some of the things we do...but we're just trying whatever we can think of to feel ok and to make sense of everything. Its a lot to deal with. The up shot to being so "sensitive" is that we can see beauty, wonder, interest, and magic in things that most people would just pass by and never notice. What a shame for them.
Luckily, mom and dad are always game for looking at new and unique ways to help us be happy. While I may not tolerate the cranial sacial massage, Nixi may. Its worth giving it a shot.
For mom's birthday on Saturday, we went to the park and I got to feed a goose from my hand! Usually they just hiss at me, but not this time....whammo...right out of my hand! Pretty darn cool. We're also having a blast just hanging out on the patio and playing with all of our outdoor toys. I love summer, so does Nixi. Right now, I gotta say, life is pretty great. It may all change tomorrow, looks like mom's gonna have to take me to the doctor. We'll see...should be HORRIBLE.
Anyways, have a great week!
On the patio today enjoying the water table......
YouTube wasn't cooperating fully tonight, so mom will post video of me singing the Ladybug Song next week..........so, stay tuned!
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