Lot's of excitement this week! We got an early birthday present from our Nana...a really cool book display case. It's so awesome. If we want a book, all we have to do is look at the display and we can grab the one we want super easy. WE LOVE IT! Thank you, Nana! See, both Nixi and I LOVE books. She loves to eat them, I love to look at the pictures and sometimes even make up my own story. I always take a book to bed with me at nap time or bedtime. I just love them so much. Books make me happy.
Anyhow, we also got to go to the pet store 3 times. Mom calls it the "mini zoo". We saw turtles, fish, rats, a chinchilla, frogs, snakes. If there's anything I love as much as books, its animals. When the weather is better we're gonna go to a petting zoo...I'm not sure how I feel about actually touching all those animals...but I'm game to try!
My psych evaluation by the state came back and, big shocker, are you ready....I have autism. Wa Wa Wa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! No duh, tell me something I didn't already know?! Seriously, you'd think it'd be way more exciting for what they must pay that doctor. I wanted it to say that I'm an alien from another plant here on earth to collect data for the mother planet on how strange, goofy, and just plain simple the human race is. And she thought she was the trained observer? HA! Alas, I digress. The report didn't really have much new to say, but she called me "cute" and "beautiful" and said that I "[have] unusual behaviors". I suppose some of the things I do may seem unusual if you don't know why I'm doing them. Darn apraxia doesn't help me one bit in explaining why it is that I do "unusual" things. More incentive to work my booty off to get more intelligible, I suppose. Gotta say, even though mom and dad took me to a private clinician when I was 22 months for a diagnosis...I think this report still hurt them a bit. I know they try to act like its no big deal, but I swear I saw a little tear in each of their eyes when they read it. I love 'em, hurts to see them hurt. We're all ok, we'll all be ok, and its all good.
On to some fun and exciting news........we are the proud owners of a previously owned 34' home on wheels! Dad closed the deal Saturday. We have a 1993 Bounder 34J series. Can't wait to break it in and make it our own! Dad says we can camp out in it maybe next weekend! I LOVE MOTOR HOMES!!!!! This is just gonna open up a whole new world for us all! YEY!!! ROAD FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! My stomach hurts just thinking about it! Look out, spring and summer....here come the Seiferts!
Nixi had a fun week...she's perfected the pincher grasp and somewhat perfected putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. That kid's like a mini hoover! Mom and dad are constantly pulling junk out her mouth...lint, dust bunny, everything is fair game. Its sooooo gross! But its a big deal because now Nixi can start building up to the road food when we RV....alas, I digress, again! She got another tooth, so now she has her 2 front bottom and top. She also is getting her first spiral curls! Looks like she's gonna have curly hair like me! Just wait until mom has to detangle that hair...OUCH! We've been having a lot of fun together this past week. We're interacting with each other even more and I'm working on tolerating her touching me. See, I don't mind touching her at all....in fact, I kinda like it. I'm just uncomfortable with her touching me...but I'm starting to let her crawl over me for something and its not that bad. We do a lot of back and forth vocal games. She's a pretty funny and fun kid. I'm pretty excited for our future together as best buds!
Looks like we dodged a bullet with the Star Center. Mom was having a weird gut feeling after talking to them the second time. She talked to our speech and OT therapists about it and they had some reservations. Turns out, Star Center doesn't generally work with kids that have BOTH sensory processing disorder and autism (they focus more on SPD), and they work in a "result oriented framework". What that means is that, much like ABA, they believe that the end justifies the means. So, they'll come up with goals for me in the 2.5 wks and I WILL achieve them. They are not a process or ideological program. Given what we all know about me....I'm not a circus pony...I don't perform and I don't do tricks. So, the likelihood of us getting down there and dropping $10K for nothing but a battle of the wills is pretty high. Still seems like a great program, just maybe not the best fit for me. While Nixi has solely sensory issues, she's not real big on doing what she's told, either. Us Seifert girls jump for no one! So, the search continues...this time for a program that works with both diagnoses on a regular basis and values them equally.
Wow, we had a really full week. Hope yours was great. Talk at ya next week.
Ok, so this is kinda cute...Nixi likes to twiddle dad's mustache..
Everybody loves a little cowboy dancing..........
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