We had a great week! We were all still getting over the cold, but that didn't slow us down one bit!
Mom did the phone intake for STAR Center. We have reservations for July 19-August 4th, we come home, and then we go back September 7th-16th. They have us come home in between treatment to let everything "sink in" and to give us a chance to try applying the things we've learned in our normal environment. It's really exciting! They even have a feeding clinic that I'll do some work in during the second visit. This is gonna be so cool! People come from all over the WORLD for treatment there! Now, if mom and dad can just find an RV. They've been looking but it turns out people aren't so honest about their RV's and we've had some big disappointments. I'm sure the right one is out there just waiting for us to find it!
I had my first full week with our new programming schedule and it went ok. I guess I just have to get used to the changes. Starting this week, I'll be up at the treatment center for speech and OT both of my scheduled days...that'll be FUN FUN FUN!
Nixi had her first physical therapy appointment and she was super good with the therapist! She even let the therapist give her stuff and crawled over her leg to get something. That's a really BIG deal because she usually isn't real comfortable with strangers. Way to go, little sis! Also, she waved and said, "hi", to the speech therapist....who said it counts as her first word because she said it without prompting and even combined it with a gesture as a way of communicating! Then, the next morning she woke mom up by touching her mouth and saying "bouf" twice. Mom's been working on teaching her feature on the face. She also got a new tooth! Nixi's a rock star!
Today we went to my friend's 3rd birthday party, and it was sooooo fun! I dressed in my snazzy fancy dress...

I learned that other people's cats don't necessarily enjoy the kind of love that mine does...ended up with a claw puncture over my eye and a bloody lip! I recovered really well and went on to enjoy the party for over an hour! Nixi got to see another baby close up and personal...my friend's sister just turned one. They just kinda looked at each other....what dorks! I got a really cool goody bag, my first ever, and I even had a bite of pizza. What a cool day! I was so excited afterwards that I didn't even take a nap. I love parties and I love my friend!
Our cousin, Carson, turned 1 this week....we heard he had an awesome party and ate LOTS of cake. Wish we could have been there!
Our Grandma MaryJane's birthday is tomorrow, and we wish her the bestest birthday EVER! Wish we could help you blow out the candles!
So, that's our week in a nutshell..........whatever that means! Hope you're was just as fun. Catch ya next week!
Here's me and Nixi playing with one of our bouncers...
Here's me, singing Old McDonald...a capella.....
And here's me and Nixi mobbing mom when we realized she had the camera...
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