Super week...full of up's and down's and all around's! First off...I LOVE FISH! While my sister loves to watch them, turns out I LOVE to eat them! I've started eating table foods, in earnest....and I have to say, Swai with white rice and a lemon Bearnaise sauce can't be beat! My other fav...garlic mashed potatoes........YUMMMMMMM!
I had a really great week. I played with Saf's BIA and her supervisor without mom even in the room! That's a HUGE step for me! My world just keeps getting bigger and bigger! I'm starting to practice standing on my own...scary stuff! I can do it for a few seconds before my fear gets the best of me and I grab on to something for dear life! Everyone's gotta start somewhere! I'm also waving and saying "bye", and starting to try to say "dad" with "da". Bummer for mom is that it would appear my goofy motor planning is getting in the way of saying "mama"....but I can say "yaya"! Can't win 'em all.
We went to the pet store almost every day this week. Huge milestone for Saf, mom rigged a safety harness for her and she went free range through the store every time we went! See, Saf has a mind of her own and, like most kids on the autistic spectrum, doesn't always respond to verbal instructions/warnings so she's what mom and dad call a "flight risk". So, when we go to stores mom typically wears me and Saf goes in the shopping cart. We were off to the pet store on Monday when mom decided...no guts, no glory. Saf did great and we had a super fun time. Leaving the store was rough, but Saf powered through it and by the time the weekend came and we took dad she was able to leave the store with no problems at all. Dad was SOOOO proud. We're building up to trying grocery shopping and maybe Target. Once we get some more places down pat, mom will try no safety harness. All really good and exciting stuff. Steps towards making Saf's world a little bigger, too!
Friday was an exciting day. Saf whole treatment team came to the house for a meeting to prepare for her upcoming Individualized Education Plan (IEP) with the school district. I woke up in the middle of the meeting so I got to see everyone. It was cool. Dad came home early so we could drive up to Fresno to pick up our RV. We drove all the way there, in the rain, and came back empty handed! Those goofs didn't call us to tell us that they had to repair something and it wouldn't be ready for us. They're gonna deliver it this week and fill up all the tanks and stuff to make up for making us drive all the way there for nothing. Its ok, though...turns out the thing they're fixing is a really expensive fix so better that they caught it and will have it all taken care of before we get it. Still, bummer to drive all that way for nothing. Hoping we can camp out in it this weekend. Saf seems to really like it, and if its ok for Saf then its ok for me!
This week is a busy one. I have speech, OT, and physical therapy...and Saf has all her stuff Monday-Friday. Her new schedule of one therapy session a day is working out much better. Unfortunately, she had a rough speech and OT session the week before last so this week she didn't want to go into the treatment building. Tomorrow she has speech and OT at the treatment building, and two representatives from the school district are coming to meet her and observe. I'm afraid they'll likely be observing us arriving and leaving. We never even made it out of the car last Thursday, so I'm anticipating much of the same tomorrow...but you never know. If there's one thing I've learned in my 11 months on this planet, its that every day truly is a new day full of possibilities for magic. My sister can make magic happen. I've seen her do it...she'll do it again.
So, sure there will be lots to report next week. Have a great week and a happy St. Patty's Day!
Seriously, fish RULES..........want some? I don't mind sharing...
Saf..the bilingual, speed baller..............
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