We're ALL sick!!! First, it was Saf with a cough and runny nose....then mom....then me...then dad. We are the house of boogies and cooties! We're all feeling a little bit better today, but it was a rough week.
Our Nana came up for a visit before I got sick so she didn't have to experience the wrath of a sick baby. LUCKY HER! We had fun, we didn't get to go to Joey's Jumping Castle because Saf had a runny nose. That was a bummer, but we did try to go to the park. That didn't go over so well. Saf was having a rough day and she had trouble pushing me in my stroller and just couldn't handle it...so we went back home and hung out. Its hard becuase its been raining so much up here that we all have what mom calls "cabin fever", which makes no sense to me as we live in a house. Whatever. Anyhow, it was a fun visit and I really like the bags my Nana carries her stuff in...crinkly and cool.
Mom cancelled all of our services for the week so we wouldn't get any other kids in the program sick, and to give us all a break. So, not much to report on that end.
We have our intake interview for the STAR Center, via phone, this Wednesday. They said to plan on it taking 2 hours..one hour dedicated to each of us! I've only been alive, like, 10 months....I don't know if there's enough of me to take up an hour! It'll be cool becuase mom will get a better sense of what program is the best fit for us and we're hoping to reserve our spaces, too!
I realized that I can clap my hands this week and also fully mastered this cruising thing. I've been tentatively cruising for the past couple of weeks...but this week, smooth as butter, baby! I have also started trying to say "hi" when I wave. I have pretty good inflection, and about every other time I can actually make the real "hi" come out...even if it sounds a little drawn out and goofy. Heck, I'm saying "hi" and waving to the dog, Saf, myself, mom, dad, and even to Mickie Rourke last night when mom was watching the Wrestler and I wouldn't go to sleep! Hey, even creepy dudes can use a little of the old Nixi charm! I'm quite the greeter! Mom shot some video of me when I was first getting the hang of doing it all together...check it out at the bottom of the post! I'm so much better now, but we all have to start somewhere.
In sad news, one of our doggies had to go to dog heaven. Starla was having neurological problems so mom had to help her get some peace. We miss her, but we're happy she had a great life with us and we know we'll see her again someday. She liked to lick my feet...........and I didn't mind.
More to report next week, as we're doing all of our programming this week and such.
Saf wants a farm or something?!?! I don't know!
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