Busy week here, ending in an ER visit for mom and a HUGE Vikings win for Dad and me! GO VIKES! Betcha didn't know my night light is a neon Vikings sign! See, dad had high hope for Saf.....but she just doesn't bleed purple like he and I do. Anyhow, on to mom....she decided to take the dogs roller blading without us and the stroller. Turns out mom can't roller blade without the stability of the stroller...who knew? So, she's got a major sprain and hyper-extension of the wrist. Bummer.
On to our week. Saf did all of her usual stuff...struggled through ABA, but shined in speech and OT. She sat on the OT's lap and watched her blow bubbles...a BIG first. In well over a year, this was the first time that Saf touched and had physical contact with the OT....EVER. Needless to say, the OT was over the moon! A challenging but great week for my big sis!
I had my first speech and OT session and I rocked it! I copied their hand movements while I was on my platform swing and tried to copy when they said, "up" by making an "uh" sound. Kinda funny, though, I haven't babbled since their session. Same thing happened when they did their evaluation before x-mas. During the eval I babbled for the first time...then nothing until Jan. 4th. They say this is typical because I'm taking it all in and processing everything. Like, on Monday they engaged my motor skills, immitation play, and verbal areas...that's a lot all at once for me. So, I take my time to digest it all and then I'll babble again. So far, they say I have solid skills at a 4 month old level, with some scattered skills up to 6 months. They say my areas for focus are:
1)Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) = difficulty processing touch (tactile defensiveness, I'm super sensitive), temperature, visual (not acuity, I get visually overwhelmed and then scared), and difficulty making sense of situations that call on multiple senses at once. Hey, what can I say...I', a sensitive girl!
2)Limited facial expressions.
3) Difficulty calming with extreme emotional dysregulation. Basically, I lose it. Most of the time my response to situations doesn't match the situation itself. Weather its a bump from Saf, a gust of wind in the face taht I wasn't expecting, or mom rubbing lotion on me after a bath, or rolling on to a part of the sheets that's cold.........my response is a 10 and I panic. It sucks.
4)Motor delays....like not crawling or rolling from one place to another, no banging things like blocks together, and about 90% of the time I keep my hands fisted. But, I can pull to stand...so my development is considered uneven.
I also had my physical therapy (PT) eval. Luckily, mom videotaped me doing stuff becuase once I got up there I FREAKED OUT! So, they only got to see me do a few things live. But they say I'm solid at a 6 month old level with scattered skills up to 9 months becuase I can pull to stand and the way I sit is really good. I only use 3 of my fingers when I play, making it really hard to move stuff around and to let go of stuff when I have it. Turns out that this is part of my sensory issue. I guess that even when they put big stuff in my hands, I sitll used the tips of my fingers to kind of keep anything from touching my palms....boy, if I could have balled my hands up into fists I would have! They want to see me every week but we'll start out every other week and build up to it. I'm just not that comfortable with all of this yet.
You see, my sensory issues are pretty extreme. My sister's sensory stuff didn't really start to show until she was a year and a half. I've been what they call "defensive" and "hypervigilant" pretty much since I arrived on the scene. Everyone working with me thinks that I'm cognitively (my smarts) all there, but unable to let go of the fear I have to really explore stuff. I'm so busy scanning the environment for threats....its hard for me to get a moment to relax and just play. Sure, I'm all smiles a lot, but I still hold my body like a new baby......tight fists, arms and legs bent up towards my body. When I'm really comfortable and feeling super safe, that's when I can show everyone all of the cool and even surprising things I can do. Its no fun being on high alert all the time, but mom, dad, and everyone else is going to help me with that......if I can just relax enough to let them. We'll see...it's gonna be a heck of a road ahead.
So......for a kid who doesn't babble much, I sure type like a bandit! See, already surprising ya!
Have a great week!
Peace Out
Oh, and check out our band. We're still working out the kinks, like Saf calling me frog...but its gonna be huge!
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