Welcome family & friends and happy 2010! For the New Year, mom is going to help us do a weekly blog so that we can share our lives with you all! Every Sunday mom will help us update the blog so you can check in every Monday to see how our week was! You can see pictures and video, too! Let the blog begin!
Saf & Nixi
So, our Christmas was pretty cool. We do Christmukka....which means we get gifts starting the first week of December and continue until New Year. Mom and dad found this works best because sometimes its a little too overwhelming for there to be a bunch of new stuff in the house all at once. It's AWESOME! You never get a chance to get bored of anything. By the time your toy starts dragging...there's a new one to play with! Absolutely the BEST! We are super spoiled! We got TONS of fun stuff from all of our family and we've been having the best time ever exploring everything with each other and with mom and dad. Whenever Nixi drops a toy, I stop what I'm doing and get it for her so she doesn't cry. Also, when I notice her really staring at something of mine I almost always end up giving it to her. Mom and dad don't even have to ask....I just think my little sister is cool.
Our New Year's was pretty quiet. We like sleep our sleep and mom and dad like our sleep too, so we were in bed well before the new year. Dad got us donuts this morning and we just hung out and had a great day. We're looking forward to a really amazing 2010. The is gonna be a great year and I'm so glad we get to share it with you! Sooooo, mom will do her first Sunday update this Sunday the 3rd to start getting into the swing of things. Check back next week to see how our weekend went!
P.S. Nixi says "hi"....I think, I can't understand a darn thing that baby says!
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