We've been on winter break from services for the past 2 weeks and its been awesome! I get to sleep in a little if I want and there hasn't been anyone to pester me...except for Nixi and mom =) I just get to be a kid. Tomorrow, its back to the grind. My ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) starts back up bright and early at 9:15 in the morning and will go for 2 hours. I do this 5 days a week and its a pain in the butt! Mom and dad have decided that we need to take a new approach to the ABA, because the way its been going, I've actually been doing worse than without it! Mom talked to the supervisor and she agrees so I'm hoping tomorrow will be the first day of a new program. Speech and Occupational therapy don't start back up until next week....so I guess I'll get to ease back into things a bit.
This morning we got to use our new jogging stroller for the first time. It was SO COOL! That sucker is fast! Nixi never even had a chance to get bored of the walk and cry...we were zooming!
Mom + rollerblades + dog power + new stroller = a wild ride! It was super fun!
The greatest New Year news yet is that mom found a really neat place in Denver, CO that she and dad are hoping to take me and Nixi to this spring. It's called the Star Center and it looks like a lot of fun! The Dr. that runs the center has been the main driving force in getting Sensory Processing Disorder included in the 2012 DSM. Her research and treatment protocols are cutting edge and kids who go there get a lot better and that makes them happy. I'm excited. This could be just what me and my kid sister are looking for! You can check it out at http://www.starcenter.us/
Nixi has her 2 bottom middle teeth and she's drooling like a rabid dog...ok, she's kind of cute...but it's pretty gross. Anyways, I guess that means she's getting another tooth. She also is pulling herself up to stand...just one step closer to being able to come and grab my stuff. The thought makes me shudder. Its not that I don't like her playing with my stuff. I don't really mind. I just don't like her touching me...that really bothers me. Of course, that seems to be all she wants to do. It'll be interesting.
So, hope you all had a great weekend and have a super great week! Check back in a week to see how the transition back to services went...UGGHHH!
Oh, and if you click on my youtube video and think I look a little goofy...I was watching myself on the video camera monitor while it was taping. Vain, I suppose!
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