but, seriously, I'm feeling pretty cool...I CAN CRAWL!!! I started crawling on Monday and it is so awesome. I'm starting to pick up speed...a little. Watch out world, I'm coming! Also, my occupational therapists used me as the topic of a training she did for the county...again! This is the second time, 'cuz I'm unique, you know! I think they like showing my evaluation video because they think I'm so cute. I'm sure that's got to be part of it! As you can see, it's been an exciting week.
I had a great speech/occupational therapy session and an even better development session. The occupational therapist finished her evaluation on Monday. It was fun, lot's of neat things to touch and look at. Interesting, turns out I'm blind in the right superior (upper) quadrant of my right eye. Crazy! I crawled to my development teacher and pulled up on her. My teacher cried because usually I have a hard time being near other people than mom, dad, and Saf. She said she was over joyed to be there to witness my world getting a little bigger. It was neat. I had my 9 month check up and I didn't even have to get any shots! Talk about a great day! So, I'm having fun trying to catch Saf....she's really fast. Luckily, the dogs are much easier prey. Although, I think they stay put because they know I can give a mean deep tissue massage.
Saf had a pretty good week, some up's and down's...but all around good. This coming week she'll start going back to the therapy center for speech/occupational therapy. Tomorrow is her first time back up there in months, so we're really excited. They've been coming to the house twice a week, but the therapy center has so much neat stuff. We watched a dvd the therapists made for her a few times tonight. It shows the therapy center from the front door, walking back into the therapy room and its to a song Saf really likes. When there's a chance Saf might get overwhelmed by something new (it will be in a new room), mom, dad, and the therapists use visual supports to help get Saf ready. Sometimes its pictures put in a book, sometimes its a dvd movie. Once Saf watches/looks at it, she knows what to expect and usually has a great time. I think she's excited and it'll be great. It's been super rainy up here, so Saf has a bit of cabin fever. Luckily, the sun has been coming out more and more so we may hit a park day with our attachment parenting group on Tues. That'll be cool. I like seeing all the neat things the big kids can do.
Mom and dad are looking at RV's...I don't know what that is, but it sounds cool. They want to buy one pretty soon so we can start getting used to it before our big trip to Denver in the summer. Mom says we'll get to play in it and even have sleep overs in it to get us ready. Anytime I get to play with Saf I feel like my heart may well explode...so I can't wait! I love her soooooo much!
Mom and dad are finishing up our intake information for the STAR Center...all 20 pages of it, per kid! Once they send it back in they'll have a phone intake and we'll get to book our treatment! Very exciting!
We want to wish our Grandpa Seifert a VERY Happy Birthday! On the 5th he'll be a year older and it's hard to get any wiser...but we're sure if it's possible, he'll do it! We love you, Grandpa!
So, we've had a pretty awesome week. Hope yours was fabulous, and hope this week is even more fabulous!
Everybody loves a good massage.........
Sometimes its just plain good to laugh....and then stop really fast...