Sunday, November 25, 2012

We had a pretty fun week.  Both Nix and I understood that we had no school so that wasn't an issue.  Mom had a bunch of Thanksgiving related crafts for us to do so by Thursday we were really in the spirit.

Earlier in the week mom took us to the park to go on a leaf hunt at the park.  We found leaves in every shape an color and we used them to make pine cone turkeys!  We collected lots of leaves for feathers, yellow leaves that looked a lot like turkey feet, and bright red leaves for waddles.  They turned out awesome and we had a blast gathering them.  We also went to the new library for the first time and got our own library cards!  We even signed them ourselves!  It was so awesome!  It ended in a nuclear meltdown from Nix which tarnished it a bit but I still was super proud of my library card and the cool books I picked!

I've had a horrible cough for almost two weeks now so mom's going to get me an appointment with the doctor this week.  Late Thanksgiving night when mom was moving Nixi to her big girl bed mom and dad realized that she had a fever.  103.5!  She got a frozen yogurt tube and a fever reducer and by morning her fever was all but gone.  She's still got some residual sniffles but it looks like she's getting much better quickly.

Actual Thanksgiving was cool.  Mom had a list of activities for us to do like make an apple pie, go on a neighborhood leaf hunt, color place mats, make holiday hats, and watch a movie.  I was super in to it...I made an Indian hat and it was the best!  Dad made a pilgrim hat and I lent my girl pilgrim hat from school to mom.  By the time the hats were being made Nixi officially checked out of the holiday spirit.  She kept pleading to go somewhere and when mom said no she begged to start the movie.  She's been doing stuff like that a lot this week and mom thought it might be a sign that she's having an increase in symptoms.  See, when Nixi is distracted her hallucinations, like all who experience hallucinations, are easier to ignore and less distressing.  Mom asked Nixi later if leaving the house or watching a movie makes things "less scary" and she said it did.  So, when she asked to start the movie mom put on Brave and she sat through the whole thing.  She was better after that and that made me happy.  I hate seeing her upset all the time.

We're excited to get back to school this week.  Nixi and mom head up to UC Davis on Thursday night for Nix's Friday appointment.  I think its going to be weird for Nix to be a strange hotel and I know its going to be weird for me to wake up without her and mom.  Dad will take me to school and after school on Friday I'm going to take dad to the library!  I'm excited about that and hopefully mom and Nix will be back later that night.  Nix's appointment isn't until 3pm and Davis is about 3 hrs 40 min away, so mom will see how it goes.  Nix probably isn't going to want to hop on the road right after a 1.5-2hr appointment, but who knows.  Mom booked their hotel room for two days just in case.  I sure hope they get back fast but I'm glad they're going.  Mom told me and Nixi that her and Nix would be going a long ways away to see a doctor to help Nixi feel less scared.  She likes the sound of that and I do, too.  So, hope all goes as it should and Nixi gets help with the things that scare her.

We decorated the outside of our house with Christmas lights and decorations and we put up our tree this weekend.  The place is looking properly cheery!  We also got a Wii!!!!  Mom's one big Black Friday score and we LOVE it!  I'm awesome at shooting games and both Nix and I are great at the dancing games.  Sooo fun!

So that's our week.  Hope you all had a fantastic turkey day.  Make sure to check back in next week to see how Davis went and how we got on with back to school!


Wii love to dance!

Here's the Thanksgiving program that Youtube had trouble with last week...better late than never!

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