Sunday, July 22, 2012

So, the weather cooled off nicely and we had a few great days where it felt like it was fall!  As of this writing, however, we're back in the heat and its miserable!  None the less, a great week was had by all!

Nixi was reeling a little post grandpa, Weishi, and Cate visit but we all expected that so at least we weren't taken off guard!  She still did a great job at summer school and I'm proud of her for trying so hard to pull it together.  I had a blast in summer school and I'm starting to get a little bummed that its almost over.  This next week is our last week.  We have graduation on Thursday, which I can only imagine means cupcakes.  Takes a little of the sting out of "the end", if you know what I mean!

We still don't know where I'm going for kindergarten this school year...and school starts Aug. 9th!  We've started talking about school, because no matter what we need to get mentally prepared for it, but its hard because mom doesn't know who my teacher is,etc.  Nixi knows that she's going to get to see Teacher Mari, the speech therapist that she adores, so she's feeling pretty pumped for school.  I'm excited, but nervous.  Mom took us to pick out our back to school backpacks, and that was super rad.  I picked a T-Rex back pack and Nixi picked a Disney Fairies one.  They are so cool!!  Mom is working on setting up a meeting with the powers that be this next week when they're back from vacation.  More to report later...hopefully.

We had  the greatest playdate on Friday with the Olsen's at Riverway Sports Park.  Since its kind of far and we don't go there often its always a treat and to get to hang out with Arlo, Flyn, and Greer made it that much more amazing.  We played in water fountains, in the big kid playground, and topped it off with lunch and McDonald's.  Katie, the mom, is our mom's best friend...and I spent my first couple of years hanging out with Arlo and Flyn until Autism got in the way.  Nixi was in the Bright Start school with Greer and they got to be good buds.  So, it was kind of like a homecoming....the way things should have always been.  We all played, Nixi and Greer holding hands and sitting together at lunch, me giving Arlo a hug because he was always the big brother I wished I had, and Flyn monitoring it all!  It was just the most perfect day.  The next day I asked mom if we could hang out with them again.  Later that evening Katie sent mom a text saying that she overheard Flyn (my age, 5) trying to coax Greer (3) into asking her "Don't you want to see Sarah tomorrow/"..because she wanted to hang out again with us, too!  Mom and Katie are going to take us all to a matinee of Ice Age Continental Drift before school starts so that will be awesome.

We rounded out the week with some great dress up play Saturday morning and found a worm at the park on Sunday!

So there you have it, a great week with the promise of another great one to come.  Hope you're all wrapping up your summer with as much fun as us!  Check back in next week!


Riverway fun.....

Hope has a visit with Dr. Safi....

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