Sunday, December 18, 2011

The family that games very quiet. Merry Christmas to mommy!

A kiss for Winny so he can go night night....

Really exciting week. Nixi had a Christmas party in her class and she got to decorate cookies. I got to eat some goodies with mom in the family room, too! We had some great days with Heather, and I had my school Christmas party! Lot's of fun stuff to report.

Nix and I are both sick. I'm getting over bronchitis and Nixi has an upper respiratory I'm just going to give the highlights.

Nix did really well at school both days. She still struggles afterwards, but she did pretty well during class. She told mom on one day and dad on another that she loved them, totally unsolicited, for the first time ever!! Very cool.

I did a great job at school all week and did an amazing job at the doctor's. Mom and Nixi got to come to my school party with me and that was amazing. I tried to help Nixi keep up with the class by whispering tips to her on what to do. All in all, being a very good big sister.

This weekend we got more Santa surprises. We got doctor kits, angry bird stuffed toys, and Nabi tablets! Check out their link: They are just the coolest tablets EVER! We love them and we're really good at them. So far, Nixi's favorite apps are the "read to me" books and angry birds and mine are angry birds and the camera/video function. So much fun! Really awesome weekend. We also got to go to Big Lots to spend our Christmas money from great grandma and grandpa Cummings! We both picked appropriately priced bath toys...Mickey Mouse and Dora...and paid by ourselves! To our delight, they were on SALE! We got our change and have money left over for a treat from the 99cent store the next time we go. Thanks great grandma and grandpa Cummings!

We'll be off the grid with school and programming for the next 3 weeks. Heather will still come, and mom has some cool things planned...but 3 weeks is a loooong time.

Make sure to check in next week to see if Santa, himself, came to our house! We want to wish everyone the merriest, bestest Christmas ever!


My school xmas party.....

Nabi mania!!!

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