2012 is here....2011 is another chapter closed in our book. We had some tremendous high's and some scary low's in 2011, but Nixi, mom, dad, and I are still here!
I think my favorite moments of 2011 were getting our kitten Bodhi, completing my first year of school, going to summer school, learning to write my name and lots of other words, dressing up like Woody for Halloween and going trick or treating for the first time, making real friends, getting my toy story big kid bed, and discovering the movie Toy Story!
Nixi told me her favorite moments of 2011 were becoming best friends with our dog Winston, learning how to pedal her tricycle, going to summer school and now to her own "school" at Early Intervention, learning that a post partum girdle can be a 24-7 calmer, dressing up like Buzz Lightyear for Halloween and going trick or treating, making friends in her class, and getting her big kid Dora bed.
What are our hopes for 2012? We've got a lot of them! We hope that mom and dad will continue to better understand us and the things that we do. We hope for better ways to self-calm and regulate our feelings so that our needs can be better met. We hope for lots of opportunities to try new things and go to new places...and that mom, dad, Nix, and I have the courage to actually do so! We hope for more peaceful days and more balance. We hope that people will start to see more of "us" and less of our diagnosis. We hope that people stop trying to find a cure for us, accept us as we are, and spend time and money finding better ways to help us live happier, more full and inclusive lives in our community just as we are....and we're hoping for a goat! Ok, the goat's a long shot, but hopefully our other wishes are waiting just around the corner!
So, we hope you all had a great New Year and are looking forward to 2012 as much as we are!
Oh, and Nixi's thumb is doing MUCH better!
Ms. Miagi and the grasshopper...........
Yeah, that Nixer sure is a stinker...but I love her, so!
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