We went to the ZOO!! This is a HUGE deal because its the first time we've ever gone....and it was AWESOME! We went with our friends from Safi's school, Kameron and his sister Jewel and it was so much fun. We were both a little anxious leading up to it. When mom first told us we were going, Safi was really nervous and kept telling me that the zoo and the animals were scary. After sleeping on it, as we had two days before actually going to prepare, she was super pumped. I was pretty excited until we got in the car to go. I was shaking and needed a lot of reassurance, and a Backyardigan's episode on the way up. When we got there Safi was abotu to explode she was so excited. I was cautious and a little more reserved. While there were some moments when I felt scared, and said so...all in all, it was pretty neat. Safi and I were a little more excited about BEING at the zoo than about the animals themselves. They don't do much! They just kind of hang out. We liked the reptile area the best because those snakes and lizards are a lively bunch. Everything else was just kind of, "Ok, I saw it...moving on.." Luckily, Kameron was about the same and Jewel was a good sport so everyone had fun. Afterwards we had lunch at a big park outside of the zoo. That was probably my very favorite part because of the HUGE squirells that were running all over the place. One even tried to steal our lunch! AWESEOME!!! It was a great day with no meltdowns, only minor "hiccups" here and there!
After the zoo when we got home things went to pot. We all kinda expected that so, while it wasn't fun, we all just plugged along and by night time peace was restored!
We also had a fun playdate at our house with Kameron and Jewel at the beginning of the week. Safi had a blast swinging for like an hour with Jewel. I got a little overwhelmed, but in the end I played with Kameron in our bounce house for 15 minutes! So fun!
All in all a really great week and a cool end to winter break. This week we start school and services back up. We're pretty excited. Safi really missed all of her friends. Also, we get to go to our friend Penelope's 3rd birthday party this Saturday!! We've really missed her and her crew so we're super excited. Great week behind us....hopes for an even greater week ahead!
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