Arcade mania!
Surveying each other's rewards from hard work earning tickets at the arcade...ring pops!
She had a fair week at school, but was kind of "off" for most of the week. She's just really fragile. She's having fun one minute then she's crying or screaming. Its really confusing. Lately I've been trying to explain to her that she shouldn't be said, like, "Nixi, you not sadden right now, you happyen." She doesn't really listen. I feel bad for her. I wish she could have longer periods of happy.
I had a great week at school, playing with the kindergarten class on Wednesday and just having fun learning with my friends. We went to the sand park after school one day and I conquered my greatest sand park fear since I was a baby...the metal rolling slide. Its loud, bumpy, and just weird but I've always wanted to try it. Been too scared. However, a bunch of kids were going down it and I decided it was MY day. I DID IT! It was loud, bumpy, scary...and I LOVED it and was so proud of myself!
Nixi got a home visit from Teacher Lorene, and that was cool. Heather was feeling better so we got to spend like all week with her...Nixi has really missed that. Me, too...but Nixi says every day that Heather isn't here that she misses her. We got to hang out with our friends Sebastian, Gideon, and Penelope at the pet store on Friday. We even got to pet a long haired guinea pig! It REALLY liked Sebastian and Nixi...purring and kind of chirping. It was a really fun outing and Nix was happy the whole time. We went to the park and to the arcade over the weekend, mom made us Yo Gabba Gabba poncho's, and we're just all ready to start a new week. New weeks can be full of anxiety, but also full of promise and hope. So, I'm hoping Nixi starts finding her balance and finding her joy place more often....and I'm hoping I can keep it together. I'm always trying really hard to keep it together, really hard. So, that's where we're at, and that's where I leave you.