Exciting but kinda sad week. We graduated from summer school, which was super fun...but that also means its over, super bummer. We had a graduation ceremony where we got certificates, stickers, and sunglasses and after our group picture we had cupcakes and played at the water fountains. It was a really great time...but I was kind of sad because mom and Heather reminded me here and there that it was our last day. We had such a great summer hanging out with our friends. As you can see in the picture, I even got a hug from my friend Kameron's sister, Jewel. I may not be entirely comfortable with the unexpected hugging thing, note the tension in my neck and body, but I sure liked making a new friend! I'm so glad we got to do it and I hope we get to do it again next summer. So, closing that chapter opens another....regular school.
If you remember, this year I go an extra day and I have a new teacher. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I have a tendency to be pretty contextual so its going to be an adjustment for sure. For example, whenever I play with the toy school bus I say that we're going to school and Teacher Jenn...because Teacher Jenn IS school. I also refer to anyone wearing a necklace as a teacher because Teacher Jenn always wore really neat necklaces. She's the only woman I saw on a consistent basis that wore necklaces so it MUST be a teacher thing! Mom made me a social story and this week we went by my school and she took some pictures. She'll put them in a slide show for me to watch after we read the social story tomorrow(Monday, also my first day of school). Mom's waiting until tomorrow morning to talk to me about it because I have a tendency to get really anxious if I have too long to think about a big change. Once I see pictures and a social story I want to go right then and there...the longer I have to wait the more stressed I get and the worse I end up doing. So, we'll wait until a couple of hours before to start prepping. I'll be sad when I get there and there's no teacher Jenn...but I guess seeing my friends will be cool. Heather, our BIA, is going to come with us to help if needed. Pretty sure Nixi is gonna want to stay for class, so she might have a hard time leaving. We shall see!
Mom is gonna call Nixi's Early Intervention teacher to see if she can get her into their "Pre-school Academy". Its pretty much the same as the group her and mom went to last year, except this time the kids go by themselves. Nixi would go with Heather, 'cuz she's not ready to go alone yet. Also, Heather can maybe help provide the level of structure that Nixi needs to cope better than she did in the group last year. If you recall, her and mom stopped going because Nixi was having such a hard time coping after the group. If Heather is there providing more structure and support than the class provides on its own, Nixi may be just fine. It would be cool if she does get to go because she loved summer school so much and she'd feel really cool if she got to go to "school", too. Even cooler, I would get to go hang out at the park with mom while Heather and Nixi did their thing. Fingers crossed that it will work out! By the way, can you tell from that last picture how much we ALL love Heather?!
So, that's the major excitement in our house. Make sure you check back in next week to see how it all went!
Summer school song time......
Summer school storytime....
Summer school graduation....
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