Ok, so it was a "WOW!" kind of week. Safi started school on Monday and I've started services back up. First things first, school.
In preparation for the start of school, mom made Safi a social story book and slide show with pictures of the school and the song "Touch of Grey" by the Grateful Dead. The slide show takes you frame by frame from the parking lot, to the gate, down the hall, to the front door, new teacher Mel, etc. Safi loved it and I thought it was pretty cool, too. So, when we left for school on Monday Safi asked to listen to "school song"...and again when we picked her up and every school day thereafter...only now she knows to ask for "Touch of Grey." First day Safi asked to wear her vest in. She was really excited to see her friends, but confused because the coming in routine was changed. Seeing Teacher Mel there was ok, because the social story and slide show prepped Safi for that. Safi was a little thrown off but just so excited to be there. Mom and I were able to check her in and take off! Unfortunately, the taking off part has been rough on me because I want to go to school, too. So, I've been struggling when we get home. Anyways, Safi got to try to play Teacher Mel's guitar and got a turn to sing on a karaoke mic...soooo cool! Totally understandable that I would be bummed to have missed out on that! The rest of the week was filled with lots of excitement and lots of confusion for Safi. The class routine was changed up a couple of times and the visual schedule isn't being used in a way that Safi understands. On the last day of classes for the week Safi was showing the stress...crying a little in the car on the way there. When we picked her up she ran over to mom and start pouting and was tearful. Poor big sis was so stressed that she had been biting her lower lip until it scabbed! All of the confusion caught up to her and she was feeling out of sorts. Mom mentioned some of these things to Teacher Mel but she just sort of smiled and said "I know" but then didn't change a thing. Mom also saw her motoring (physically touching/leading Safi here or there)Safi, and that's always been a problem for Safi. Safi's peak in self-injurious behavior was during the time that she was being motored by our old ABA program. Remember, once mom and dad pulled those services out of our home...Safi stopped hurting herself and hasn't since. Mom called Teacher Mel to talk to her about it and she was blown off again. Teacher Mel didn't recognize that she was motoring Safi, saying "Well, we'll remember that for when we start doing that" Mom gave her 3 examples of motoring that she had seen and she said, "Oh, I know"...and changed the subject. She then said to mom that she thinks that "sometimes its us parents who have a hard time with things and our kids are just fine." That bummed mom out because Safi was pretty clearly not "just fine" by the end of the week...and Teacher Mel just didn't seem to get it. So, mom has a meeting set up with Teacher Mel and Safi's old teacher, Jenn, for Friday to troubleshoot so Safi can continue to love school and have an amazing year! Heather, our BIA, will also go with Safi to school on Tuesday to try and see what areas are potential problems for Safi. At the end of the day, mom and dad just want her to have a great year and they're optimistic that with everyone working together and being open with each other that Safi can have just that! In spite of it all, a true testament to Safi's love of school...she was excited each and every day to go again! Yey, big sister!
I had my first visit from any of my peeps on Thursday...my Occupational Therapist, Miss Jo. She's just so awesome! If you remember, we had a rocky start last year with the OT services, or lack there of...but by the time services ended for summer Miss Jo had us doing some amazing stuff. So, both Safi and I were overjoyed to see her. She kept it really mellow and just hung out with us, taking into account that this is her first week back. Next time she comes she's gonna bring something really cool for us to do. Mom talked to my Early Intervention Teacher about me going to "Pre-school Academy"...unfortunately, there's no openings in the only class that I can make due to timing. However, this week they'll see if anyone would be interested in moving to later class...if not, the earliest they will have an opening is November. So, regardless of when...I will get to go at some point! Yey for me!
Mom kept the week really low key to account for all of the overstimulation and chaos that naturally comes with a new schedule. Saturday we went to the "sand park"...it was really fun but Safi had a moment there and ended up lightly kicking me in the face and headbutting mom in the nose. Now, since June mom has been headbutted in the nose 3 times by Safi when she was upset and a number of times by me when I'm excited and dysregulated. So, its never really had a proper chance to heal and this last one has left it slightly crooked. Mom's a little bummed. Its not too noticeable, but its been mom's nose for 36 years so for her...it's a drag. Despite the blip at the park we had a really great weekend, we were even able to enjoy the rest of our time at the park after Safi had to do a "chill out" in the car.
Crazy, exciting, sometimes unsettling, never boring week! Hoping for a great week to come! Make sure to check back in to see how Safi's second week of school is and to see how the teacher meeting goes!
Just a quick video of me showing off...see, for the first time I asked dad to push me high and didn't freak out when he did!!! I'm a daredevil!
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