Teacher Mel took pictures of each of us on the first day of school!
Nixi, or "Buzz"(Toy Story) as she likes to be called. Turns out if mom calls Nixi "Buzz" when she's upset she has to calm down because its Nixi who's upset, not "Buzz". Mom is is "Jesse", I'm "Woody", and dad's "Rex." Example: Nixi didn't want to pick me up from school and was in a pretty decent meltdown...mom thought quick and said, "Buzz, Woody's in trouble! We have to save Woody!". Nix had her shoes on and was in the car in a flash, saying "I'm coming Woody!" Crazy kid!
So, we had an exciting week. I'm starting to get used to the fact that I get to go to school 4 days a week....AWESOME!
Nixi had 2 Early Intervention visits this week, and she's supposed to start "Preschool Academy" Monday. The bummer, I'm sick! I have a runny nose and a fever. So, hopefully I feel better tomorrow but mom's thinking she may have to miss Monday if I still have a fever. See, I have to go along and wait with mom while Nixi and Heather go to class. Mom tried explaining that to me and so far I'm not digging it. I hear the word school and regardless of who's school time it is...I wanna go. Mom anticipated that it could be rougher for me to not get to go than its going to be for Nixi to go without us. Maybe I'll feel better in the morning and we'll take it from there. I don't even want to think about not being able to go my school in the afternoon. That'll be rough. Fingers crossed for good health.
I'm just loving school so much. It just makes my heart want to explode! This past week teacher Mel has kept our schedule pretty routine and we have a cool song we get to sing whenever we transition from one activity to another. I've been singing it at home to help Nixi transition, 'cuz I figure if it helps me it'll be sure to help her! So, in short, I'm just loving life. Still struggling here and there, but nothing more than mom and dad had planned for. This year we were all so much more prepared and its paying off in spades...all of the social stories, visual schedule, etc. Its really helped me to keep my anxiety in check and, while its always there, I'm really getting to enjoy myself during the week and that's RAD!
Mom had her meeting with teacher Mel and feels it went as good as it could have gone. While mom still feels there's a level that teacher Mel just doesn't get, she feels a little more confident that if I'm struggling with something teacher Mel can try to help me through it. That's really what matters. Nothing is perfect, but it just needs to be good enough. Mom thinks its gonna be good enough.
Now, why isn't there a bunch of cute pictures and great video? Well, true to form...I got bored of the apps on mom's iPhone and decided to challenge myself with her utilities folder. It was awesome...I pulled up pictures and video and tossed them in the trash. Now, it took me a minute to figure it out, 'cuz its a 2 step process...but once you confirm in the prompt window those suckers are gone forever. It may seem like I didn't know what I was doing..however, I enjoy a good challenge and I believe mom deserves one from time to time too. So, mom...if you're reading this...I did it for you. So, now try to figure out how to retrieve them...challenge ON! See how much I love you!
Keeping it short and sweet 'cuz I'm sick. Have a great week!