A sad week in the Seifert home. As you can see by the social story, our cat Oliver went to go live with the stars and the moon. I think that's stupid, he liked living at my house with me. Mom and I talked about it with the help of the social story and she asked me to tell Nixi where Oliver was...I just said, "gone". Yesterday when mom was doing my diaper I asked for him and mom had to remind me that he wasn't here anymore. Mom asked me where he was, and I said "Oliver a rocket to the stars and jump over the moon." Rockets are really cool, and jumping over the moon would be rad and all....but I still think its stupid that Oliver isn't here with us anymore. I miss him. He was my friend...I love him and I miss him.
The rest of our week was pretty good. Had two great days at summer school. We got some new kids, triplets! They're 3 yr old, one has autism and the other two don't. They're pretty cool. I did a great job of making sure they all felt included, even referring to one by name during singing time to make sure he didn't miss out on his turn to choose a stretch during our quiet song! We did an awesome "feelings" treasure hunt on one day and had a major playdough-fest the other. It was really fun and the weather was great. Both Nix and I have yet to have another meltdown during summer school since Heather and mom have included the "all done" ritual to signify we're on to a new week. Its great!
Nix's OT, Ms. Jo, came on Thursday and I just think she's the neatest. She always brings us awesome games to play, and because she's an OT they all touch on one of our sensory needs. There's a positive and a negative to that, though. Seems I always end up getting really overstimulated when Ms. Jo is here...she's kinda like Disneyland. Generally I've been coping with it well, but not so much this week...especially on the heels of Oliver. Nixi generally does great when Ms. Jo is here but is overstimulated and agitated after she leaves. This week we did balloon paddle ball, a Dr. Seuss game, and something goofy with foam swimming noodles! Ms. Jo is on break until the middle of August so during the interim mom's gonna try to figure out some ways to help "ground us" when the visits resume. Nonetheless, we're getting a lot out of the visits and mom couldn't be more pleased with how Ms. Jo has turned it around and become super pro-active!
Nixi has crashed again. Not sure it it may be because Oliver is gone, 'cuz she went downhill the day after. Remember, she's never come all the way "back" from her other downward spiral. Now she's doing even worse, again, a lot like when she first crashed a couple of months ago. She's back to screaming a lot, hitting a lot, hitting herself a lot...and just generally feeling pretty miserable. Oliver not being here is a big change, whether she was all that into him or not. Maybe that's it. Hopefully that's it. Poor kid.
With that, I'm signing off....make sure to check back in next week to see how this all pans out.
What's more fun than a box.....?
TWO boxes!!!
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