We had a great week! I'm still a little out of sorts, but seeing as though I've been struggling for over 2 months now...we're all just kind of getting used to it as the new norm. Its not great, but what's anyone gonna do? We're just riding the storm...however, that doesn't mean we don't still have lots of fun and do lots of of cool stuff.
Summer school was super fun. We played this really cool game called, "I can do that!". We had to watch and listen while Heather showed us something we had to do (e.g. hold a beanie baby under our chin without any hands), then count to 5 and it was our turn to do it. We were all really good at it, even the waiting part! I liked climbing through tunnels and giving Liz,a big kid helper, a high five at the end. So cool! Saf liked the free play the best...her and Liz played catch with silly hats on their heads. It was really fun. I had a little trouble on Tuesday but pulled it together and Saf did great both days.
We had a super awesome, totally fabulous, funnest day ever playdate with our friends Sebastian, Gideon, and Penelope on Friday. Heather got to go with us, too...icing on the cake! We played with their dogs, their super cool toys, their totally awesome sensory gym...and them, of course. Sebastian was a super cool leader, helping us see all of the stuff they had and taking our hands to show us where to go. It was really fun. Saf has asked to go to their house every day since! Can't wait to do it again!
Mom finally got around to cleaning up the patio and we've been out there since! We play with our pool and sandboxes...the "beach"...Seifert style! We love it out there. So much fun!
All in all, a pretty cool week! Check back in next week to see how mom's gonna start getting Saf ready for back to school!
...and surf!
Playing with Winny........
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