HOT HOT HOT week! We had temps ranging up to 108! Despite the heat, we were cool...aren't we always?! We played it pretty low key this week, other than summer school we did a lot of hanging out front playing in the sprinklers, etc. We hit Burger King twice, but really tried to stay close to home base.
Saf was struggling at summer school. She was able to pull it together each day, but it was rough for her. See, we had some changes this week: Heather was running late (Saf's used to her being there when we get there), we lost 3 kids, we got 2 new kids, and Saf's buddy from school got a major haircut making him nearly unrecognizable. Saf blew a gasket! A lot of "all done new friends" and "Heather?". Mom and Heather also realized that they had forgotten to do an "all done" ritual to signify the end of a topic and intro to a new topic like they had asked Teacher Jenn to do in regular school. We've been changing themes weekly! Mom didn't realize that was causing a problem until this week when Saf was asking about doing activities that we had already done. Mom's been kicking herself for forgetting but its just impossible to remember everything. So, hopefully with the "all done" ritual and getting used to Kameron's haircut and new friends, Saf will be ok...I think she'll be just fine. I did great this week in school....until I had to take off my abdominal binder (which I refer to as "hug") to go in the water fountains. I lost it, but when I got home and mom put it back on I was just fine.
All in all, a fun week at summer school despite the bumps...we expect those, so we aren't too shocked when they happen...we just keep on keeping on!
I'm still having a rough go of it, but things are considerably better since I've been wearing my "hug". In fact, much like the other day at summer school, the only time I go into a total nuclear is when its off. Unfortunately, mom took it off of me today to put on sunscreen and it wasn't good...check out the video. It took me over a half an hour to calm down...but I got my "hug" back on and slowly things got better. It seems that when I'm getting that constant proprioceptive input I don't get overwhelmed by my "sensory environment". I mean to say, I still have a number of meltdowns over things like transitioning from one thing to another or changes in my routine, but when sensory overload portion is taken out of the equation the meltdowns are much less intense and I recover much quicker. That's a GREAT thing! So mom went to the maternity store this weekend and bought me 3 more binders so I can wear them in the fountains, sprinklers, etc and not have to worry about it getting wet. Heather is also teaching Saf to cover her ears when I scream in an attempt to give her something to do other than hit me! I like it! :) Oh, and Saf got a new haircut...pretty cool, huh?
So, we're all hanging in there and just trying to find our happy place. We'll get there, its just gonna take some time. Hope you all had a great week...catch ya later!
Check out Kit being the ULTIMATE therapy cat...he chose to do some OT with us of his own volition! Kit RULES!
Rocking out to a show from Australia..The Wiggles
When I don't have my "hug", the world just ain't right.
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