I wish I could say we were doing a ton better....but I'm not big on fibs! I'm still all wonky and Saf is feel the repercussions of it.
Our first day of summer school was amazing! We all had a really great time and we made suns out of paper plates. It was so cool. Unfortunately, I was toast for the rest of the day. Way overstimulated by all the days events and all around out of sorts. Saf was on cloud nine...she was in such a great mood, walking around the house talking up a storm and laughing. She coped really well with it. The next day Saf asked "I want to go to summer school please...I get to see Heather". I was excited about going but faded in the first hour, crying and just all around feeling off. I made it through the day, but I dragged Saf down with me. By snack time she was screechy and upset. The day ended well enough...but there was more to come!
I've started having sensory meltdowns on the scale that Saf used to have them. I just implode and I want mom to hold me really tight, like she used to do with Saf. If mom loosens her grip even the littlest bit before I'm ready I meltdown even more. So, mom learned from doing this with Saf that sometimes she gets a cramp and can't keep up the pressure for as long as I may need. Solution: she found her post surgery abdominal binder from when she had me and Saf and wrapped that around me tight. I've been wearing it ever since and it makes a huge difference. While I'm still pretty emotionally brittle...I haven't had a nuclear since the night she put it on me. :) I also am very in to wearing tight socks and sock shoes (check 'em out in the pic above)...right now anything that provides compression is A-ok! Looking forward to summer school this week, as I'll be wearing my binder the whole time! Can't wait to see it it makes a difference! The neat thing about it is that I can wear it non-stop without worry about muscle habituation which happens with weighted vests. I not only get the deep pressure but every time I move it shifts and that gives me sensory stimulation....its a total package!
Sadly, Saf's motor imitation and need to do things first has continued to spread into other areas of day. We went to Bravo Farms and it was really fun until we went to get ice cream, usually the favorite part of the day. I had been a little off my game while we walked around and looked at the animals which put Saf on edge. Once we got our ice cream and I started using my spoon, something Saf is still working on, it went south quick. It ended with both of us screaming at the top of our lungs and mom having to swiftly get us to the car. The next day we went to Petsmart. I knocked something off a shelf and it made a loud noise...I lost it totally. In response, Saf went ballistic, needing the dogs at the adoption event to sniff her hand in a particular way and not being able to cope when it didn't happen. Lots of screaming and another hasty exit. Mom and dad are considering medication to help Saf with her anxiety. My current state makes it much worse....but even when I'm doing good its still always there. Its a huge barrier to Saf getting to enjoy life. Mom and dad aren't thrilled about giving meds to a 4 year old, but its something they have considered here and there for a long time. Now its time to really give it a thought.
On a fun note, we got a new kitten. So far he's not a tremendous fan of the dog, so that could be the kiss of death for him. If he can't live with the dog....he can't live with us. We'll see how it goes in the coming days! He sure is cute, though and we're hopeful that he'll get used to us all and do just fine! We also got a pedicure from mom...love that electric blue! Saf also got a really cool sweatshirt from Nana and, as you can tell, she was pretty pleased with it...check out the picture of her with the pink top with brown horses!
So, make sure to check back next week to see how summer school goes with me wearing my girdle and to see if the kitten gets to stay! Never a dull moment!
Saf discovers the joys of water misters at Bravo Farms....
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