Quite the week. I'm feeling a bit wonky post-grandpa visit and I also went to the Early Intervention group again. I wore our weighted vest, and the OT gave me some "heavy work" to do in the treatment room afterwards. That made a HUGE difference in terms of my being physically agitated afterwards. Unfortunately, I was still an emotional mess afterwards and remain so as I type. I just cry and scream throughout the day, and my sleeping has been at its worst. They had visual aides for me but they were confusing. The pictures didn't accurately depict what we would be doing, so they were fairly useless. Mom was really upset by the lack of help/teaching/modeling that was being provided by the teachers, among other thing, and it made her burst into tears when we got into the treatment room. Its just not a very well executed group, good idea but execution poor.
Not to worry...I'll get my fill of group and friend time this summer. Because the school district doesn't offer a summer school for Saf and her classmates, mom is gonna make one! It'll be two days a week and it will follow the same format and structure that the kids have been following all school year. Its going to have a special emphasis on social skill, self-esteem, and verbal expression. Heather, our BIA, will help teach on some days and we'll have some other "guests" volunteers. It'll be super cool because every kid can bring their siblings and their mom or caregiver. So, we'll get to hang out with kids of varying ages and abilities. Other moms and caregivers will have lots of chances to participate by reading books during story time, leading and art project, singing songs, etc. Its what mom calls "the grass roots summer school." If it goes well, maybe next year Regional Center or the school district will kick in some staff or some money for supplies...this is all out of mom and dad's pocket. But mom and dad don't care as long as we all have an awesome summer experience! Like mom says, "if they wont offer what the girls need, we'll do it ourselves!" I know that other parents will be just as excited and want to get involved...so its also a neat chance for mom and the others to support each other, too! All in all, some extra work, but well worth it!
Saf had a great week at school. Thursday morning Carson's mom asked if we could take him into class with us. Saf and Carson held hands and when mom asked, "are you guys ready", Carson said "I am ready." It was sooooo cool...this was a barely verbal kid just a few months ago! My big sister and her friends RULE! They've hired Saf new teacher for next year and teacher Jenn approves...hopefully we'll get to meet her soon!
We had some great park days, with Saf asking to wear the weighted vest when we get there and doing great while we're there. We've had some rough days, too. I think we about cleared Target by both going mach-10 meltdown on Saturday. It was our first time taking dad with us and we just got a little thrown by the whole thing. We recovered and had a great weekend. Check out the video of Saf's new big girl ATT, all terrain trike, and my very first time pedaling a trike on my own. Mom and dad figured out that if they tell me to pedal, while I get the physical motion, I wasn't quite understanding the pressure needed to make the pedals go round. However, if they tell me to march I can pedal like a demon...'cuz when Saf and I march we stomp our feet pretty darn hard. Whatever it takes...I was a lean, mean, trike riding machine!
Have a busy week full of visits, school, and fun ahead of us. Check back in next week to see how it all went!
The trike montage.....
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