We had a really interesting week. Poor Nixi is still in a funk...it'll be a month this Wednesday. She just cries and screams a lot. It really upsets me because I don't know why she's upset. She'll be fine, laughing and playing one minute, and a screaming mess the next. From a sensory standpoint its really loud and unexpected so I have a hard time not hitting her. Its kind of like a knee jerk reaction, the problem is it makes her cry louder. So, I've been spending a lot of time in my bedroom because we have a no tolerance policy on hitting. Nixi's spent some time in there too because she's been hitting mom. None of us know how to make her feel better and we're just hoping she snaps out of it.
Kids with autism go through cycles, a plateau of symptoms punctuated by periods of regression or worsening of symptoms...I think we've talked about this before. For example, I cycle about every 3 to 4 months. When I cycle I am out of sorts, my symptoms gets worse, and I'm all around miserable. For me, it usually lasts about a week or two. However, when I was a little older than Nixi is now I went into a cycle that lasted for over two months. So we're all hoping that's what's going on with Nixi. The other option is that this is just a progression of her autism and this is the new norm. HOPE NOT!! Whatever it is, mom and dad will keep trying things to make her feel better and eventually they'll get it pretty well figured out.
So, I had a little trouble this week getting ready for school because Nixi's "out of sorts" had me "out of sorts". I managed to have a great week and even got to be "teacher" and lead my friends in singing "Slippery Fish" into the microphone during song time. Teacher Jenn said I rocked it, singing right into the microphone and doing a little dance. So fun. We also made pirate hats! I guess this is my last week of school...although I'm pretending it isn't so. We'll have a cool carnival on the last day, Thursday.
That's about all we have going on. With Nixi in the space she's been in its been hard to do much and its been a lot of everyone just trying to keep everyone else ok. Triage, like mom says. We're ok, we'll be ok...its just hard right now. We each got to go on a solo outing with dad this weekend and that was super cool. Nixi went to Target and I got to go to the petstore, all by ourself with daddy. Pretty darn neat.
Check back in next week to see how my last week of school went and to see if Nixi has snapped out of it!
Nixi rickshaw..............
(Until mom figures out how to make better quality video with her phone, she's gonna go back to using the old video camera.)
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