Poor sissy...Saf has been sick all week! She came down with a fever Tuesday and it didn't break until Sunday! She went to the doctor Wednesday and got some antibiotics, but with a fever ranging from 104 to 102 for 6 days, seems like it must have been a virus. She's turning the corner now and seems to be feeling much better...as you can see in the pictures mom took tonight! Hopefully she can go to school this week. She was pretty bummed about missing 2 days last week.
So far, I'm not showing signs of whatever her and mom had. I do have a cold...but when don't I? Hopefully I'll just stick with my cold and skip the other.
We had a pretty uneventful week. With Saf being so sick we didn't go on any outings, other than playing out front a few times. I didn't mind. Lately I haven't been that interested in going to the park or stores.
I went back up to see the psychologist with mom on Friday. I've been going to see him for diagnostic evaluation and on Friday I was diagnosed with Classic Autism. Its the same thing Saf has, but it looks really different for me. The diagnoses that the psychologist was considering were Childhood Disintegratve Disorder(CDD), Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified(PDD-NOS), and Classic Autism. He was able to rule out CDD because, while I have had some regression, the regressions started too early for CDD. Also, for CDD you have to have totally typical development until age two to four. I've had some blips in my development so that didn't fit the diagnosis either. I meet the criteria for both PDD-NOS and Classic Autism, in which case a diagnosis of Classic Autism must be given. Its interesting, Classic Autism is considered the most severe of the spectrum disorders...but is it the most severe, or the most pervasive? There are kids diagnosed with PDD-NOS because they have, say, 4 areas of deficit. Another kid might be diagnosed with Classic Autism because they have 10 areas of deficit. That PDD-NOS kid may only have 4 areas of deficit, but they may be severe. The kid with Classic Autism may have 10 areas of deficit that are mild....but because they have more areas of deficit they have Classic Autism. So, the kid with PDD-NOS may have much more severe symptoms, but the kid with Classic Autism has more pervasive symptoms. So, I guess its not a matter of severe as much as a matter of pervasiveness. Oh, the things I ponder at such a tender age. Regardless, now that we have some definitive answers...full steam ahead.
Its raining like crazy, and appears as though the rest of the week will be more of the same. What a drag. Now that Saf's feeling better it would be great to get out int he Zigo in the mornings and maybe hit the park in the afternoon. No such luck if this rain keeps up. But looks like Saf will be able to go to school, and I get visits from Heather and my Early Interventionist this week. So, sort of back to normal.
We want to wish Grandpa Cummings a very happy birthday! We missed not getting to see you this month but are so looking forward to a great visit in April. We love you very much and hope you have a GREAT b-day!
Hope you all are feeling well and keeping healthy. What a drag to be sick, messes up everything! Check back in next week to see how we're all getting on...
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