Great is feeling much better. Turned out she had a sinus infection and strep throat! Dad stayed home all week so mom could get lots of rest. We missed hanging out with mom, but dad is so fun! Dad did such a great job this week, we're so proud of him! So, weird week...but great week.
As you can see from the pictures...Nixi got a new haircut courtesy of mom. We call it her little page boy look...very cute. We also got a tree tent so we can fairies in ernest! Cool!
I had three great days at school. I got my spring pictures taken and I loved it! The school photographer even posed me! That's a really big deal because Teacher Jenn didn't know we had spring pictures, so we didn't have an opportunity to prepare for it. Whenever we have something coming up we usually practice in class and have lots of visual aids to help us feel comfortable. We all did great on the fly, and that just shows how far we've all come since the beginning of the year! Mom went to my IEP (Individualized Education Plan)year in review. I completed and exceeded ALL of my goals from a year ago. Its amazing to think how far I've come. A year ago we didn't even know if I'd be able to tolerate going to school at all! Look at me now! I've even started asking my friends in class if they want to play! I asked my friend Alex,"want to play dolls?" and she did, and we did! That's just about the biggest deal ever! So cool!
I managed to escape the eye is fine, and both Nix and are feeling great. Looks like we got off with no strep, thank goodness!
Nixi and I had a super fun time with Heather this week. She's just so fun! Nixi had a great meeting with her Early Interventionist, Lorene, and the OT (occupational therapist)Jo. She did lots of neat puzzles and matching games with Lorene, and Jo is coming up with a sensory "diet" for her. Nixi will snack on a specific balance of protein and carbs every two hours with sensory games and stuff in between. It should help her to get less upset, and when she's upset it should help her get less out of control. Sounds like a lot of work, but its also intriguing!
Nixi has started taking Melatonin to help her sleep. She hates it, but it seems to work. She's been sleeping better, only waking two or three times a night and then going back to sleep. Without it, she's been waking up at about 2am and not going back to sleep.
Also, our Cousin Ginny...but we like to call her Aunt Ginny....made us an amazing weighted blanket. Its got frogs on it and its sooooo soft and furry! We love it so much and think she's just the best! Weighted blankets help some kids on the autistic spectrum relax by providing deep pressure. We like to use them to chill...and to carry around for great joint compression and muscle work outs. Its the best!
This week we have lots of stuff going on. I have school, Nixi has Heather, and Nixi gets to go back up to Fresno to see the psychologist on Friday. We may be getting a visit from Grandpa Cummings, Weishi, and Cate over the weekend as long as Nixi and I aren't sick or anything. Should be super fun! So, great week ahead with lots of sun and hopefully lots of fun! Check back in next week to see how it all went down!
A little video from the park today...
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