We had a really exciting week...despite the rain almost every day!
Nixi had lots of visits. Tuesday she got to see her Early Intervention case manager, Susan. That was cool. Wednesday she got to see Heather and that was super fun. Thursday she got to see her Early Intervention teacher, Lorene, and that was super fun. Quite the popular kiddo.
I had three great days at school. Mom got some bittersweet news...my teacher, Jenn, isn't going to be teaching preschool next year. She'll still be around supervising and teaching other teachers how to do what she did in her classroom...but she wont be with me. I thought I had another year with her, so this is gonna be rough. Mom says the positive is that it helps me get used to changing teachers yearly, and at least I'll still be in the same classroom with my friends and the aides that I already know. Nonetheless, a total bummer. I love my teacher Jenn and I'll miss her a lot. She's the magic, you know?
We a few park days in between rain. Over the weekend mom went out and bought us this blow obstacle course/ball pit thing and we had a BLAST! Check out the video. I also got to go hang out with dad by myself on Sunday because Nix was feeling out of sorts and didn't want to leave the house. It was cool, we went to the pet store and the park...but I missed Nix not being there. Either way, it was cool to get out alone with dad.
So, this week its supposed to start warming up. That means lots of park days and lots of playing outside, and I love that. We have lots planned this week with...school, Nixi's visits, and we've been invited to a birthday party as well as to join in an autism awareness walk. Depending on how we're doing, we'll decide if we're up to the party...or if we'll but out the Zigo and do the autism walk. Check back next week to see what we did....I'm sure mom will get some cool video and pics to share.
Check out our cool new toy...watch all the way to the end to see me being a GREAT big sister....