Its been a great, but exhausting week. Dad was in Minnesota, and it sounds like he had a GREAT time! With it just being the 3 of us for the better part of the week, we all had to chip in a little extra and we're all pretty beat.
So, I'm gonna nutshell the week and leave you with a bunch of pictures and a video! I had a great week at school, walked in and out on my own all three days. Nixi had a blast with my BIA, Heather...who is now her BIA! Regional Center approved Heather to do consult for Nixi..yey! We're having some beautiful weather so we had a couple of really fun park days. We got to go to Bravo Farms and pet the animals...Nixi wasn't kind of freaked when she said "gobble" and a Tom turkey talked right back. We got to have ice cream and ride on the chuck wagon thing. It was a blast. We had pizza and a movie Saturday night. We got to paint and do some art stuff...and we got to play outside in the front of the house almost every evening! So, mom kept us busy and we had a really good time.
Missing dad and can't wait to see him. Hope all of you had a great week, and don't forget to check back next week!
Check me out...I'm PEDDELING!!!!
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