I have hives all over my face because it would appear I am allergic to , like, EVERYTHING!
Saf sporting her "I got a fluoride wash" sticker from the dentist!
So, in light of the whole fam feeling like crud...I'll cut straight to the chase.
Saf's dentist appointment went amazing. She sat in the big kid dental chair, wore the bib, the whole nine yards. The dentist counted her teeth, brushed them, and did a fluoride wash on them. She sat there the whole time...no screaming, nothing! Afterwards she got to pick two treasures from the treasure chest. She could have picked fairy wands, rings, necklaces. She picked two orange wind up motorcycles! They are SO COOL! I even got to have one of them! My sister, and the dentist office, are the BEST!
School was pretty good for Saf...until she got sick. Had a rough time leaving school on Wednesday because she was feeling sick and out of sorts. Teacher Jenn helped mom load her up into the car. Mom knew she must be sick because she only pulled her hair twice and didn't punch her in the head or kick her...as is pretty typical when Saf has to be forcibly removed from somewhere and put in her carseat. Those are the days mom really hates a 5 point safety harness.
Mom kept Saf home Thursday because her cold was in full swing. So, my meeting with the early interventionist, OT, and Regional Center case manager was cancelled. By afternoon I was feeling it, too. It was an all around rough day for us everyone.
Friday was pretty cool. We were both still feeling pretty sick...but we needed to get out of the house and we weren't contagious anymore. So, mom took us to the pet store and we got to pick out a toy for Winston. Saf even carried it up to the register. That's a huge deal because its been 1 year and 2 months since we've been able to go somewhere and actually go up to a check out and buy something without Saf melting down. So, it was fun and momentous! Winnie loved his toy!
Had a great weekend, again at the pet store. This time we got to pet a lizard and pick out another toy for Win. It was fun.
Sunday it rained, even hailed, so we got to watch a movie in the afternoon! That was a fun treat!
So, a week with rough patches and lots of runny noses. Hoping this week will be a little better on all fronts.
It's going to be a different week for us all. Dad is going to Minnesota early Thursday before we wake up and wont be back until Sunday after we're already in bed. He's going to help celebrate Grandpa Seifert's 80th birthday! We so wish we could be there, too, to help you blow out the candles grandpa. We love you so much and hope we can meet you somewhere half way when the weather gets better and we can get our RV out on the open road. I wish you knew how very much we wish we could just pack a bag, jump on a plane, and join the festivities. Most of the time its ok and feels good for us to be in our little insulated world. However, its times like these when we wish with all our hearts that we didn't need the "bubble" to be ok. We just wish we could be a little spontaneous, a little flexible, a little more like other kids. We're working on it one step at a time. We just really wish we could be there. So, enjoy our daddy and make sure he gets back to us safely! We love you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
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