My school Christmas party was AWESOME! It was super special because mom, dad, and Nixi got to go! I was all ready for it, because mom had added them all to the visual schedule. No surprises, I knew everyone was going to school with me. Here's what our visual schedule looks like...this was our schedule this evening;
So, instead of being confused about the day...I was EXCITED! The whole way to school I was happy as can be. I walked in, or ran in, all on my own. I made sure that dad got to see all of the neat stuff we have in class, 'cuz he doesn't get to go to school very often. We did story time, playdough, and then HE came.....SANTA!!! He knew all of our names, even Nixi, and he gave us each a present. I have to say, from a distance, Santa rules. Up close and personal, a little overwhelming. So, how'd mom managed to sneak in that picture of me with Santa? He quietly knelt down behind me and posed without me knowing! Clever. We sang songs and made gingerbread houses. Nixi mostly ate the frosting and I snacked on the decorations, but it was FUN! All in all, what a GREAT day. It was just the best day ever. Make sure to check out the videos.
I also got to give mom and dad the gift I made for them in school;
It was a big surprise, and they LOVED it!
I'm on break from school for the next 3 weeks. Mom made a contact list for all of the parents so us kids can all get together and try to keep some sort of schedule. That's gonna be rough for all of us. Everyone in class is used to doing things a certain way, and a 3 week break is fun, but also disorienting. An added bummer, its raining and should continue to rain throughout the week. Mom's gonna try to figure out something for us all to do...? We'll see.
Nixi got to hang out with her Early Intervention (EI) case manager on Tuesday. She had a great time showing her different things in our house. She's gotten really good at interacting with adults and had a fun time. The EI staff has winter break starting this Nixi is on break, too.
Unfortunately, Nixi is sick again!! Poor kid can't catch a break. She's in good spirits, though, so that's good.
So, not sure how this week will go...but I think mom has some fun crafts planned. Can't wait to see how the week pans out.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! Hoping Santa is good to you and can't wait to fill you in on all the weeks happenings in our next post!
Feliz Navidad!
"Building" gingerbread houses.......
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