Let me begin by saying, I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, its just so magical and fun. All of the songs are bouncy, the lights are bright, and the Christmas specials are the best! We're gonna keep celebrating until the New Year. When I go back to school we'll do our "all done" Christmas classroom clean-up. After that, we'll de-Christmas the house. Makes it a ton easier to say see you later to things Nixi and I REALLY love.
So, the week went pretty well. It started off a bit shaky. I've been having a hard time with poop for the past 3 months. I keep holding it in. I go for about 2 weeks before all of the stuff mom and dad give me make it impossible to hold. In the process of this whole deal, my bottom gets sores from little poops escaping here and there. Not the funnest topic to blog about, but necessary. I've been referred to a special pediatric GI doctor for encopresis. The worst problem with holding it is that the colon gets stretched out and enlarged(megacolon) and the nerves in it get dulled, eventually making it hard to know when you have to poop and making you have accidents. I'm already having that problem, so mom and dad are pretty sure I'll need to retrain my bowels. Only problem is IT HURTS, and you aren't gonna be able to convince me a little pain now will save major pain later. Anyways, at the beginning of the week I was having a real hard time holding in my poop so I wasn't all that fun to be around.
Nix and I have both done relatively well with the schedule changes, since we have no services over winter break. We got to see Heather on Wednesday, and that was cool. We also got to meet up with one of my friends from school at the park. His name is Kameron...and when I say his name I always put my head down, eyes up...and swoon. He's dreamy. It was really fun. Hopefully this week more of my buddies from school can make it out. Nixi has had some meltdowns and seems to be having a rough time with being flexible. She has started doing this thing when she really upset, mom calls it the koala. She holds onto mom so tight with her legs that mom doesn't have to support her, she has a death grip. She's also been screaming and crying a lot lately. So much so, that I've started to get really bothered by it. Its really loud and I'm never sure why she's upset, so I ask mom over and over again to make it stop. Mom just tells me Nixi is sad and that she'll be ok. Its rough on everyone, especially poor Nix. Mom says it'll be ok, so it has to be.
We did some crafts, like making playdough and making a Christmas present for dad. We even made a castle out of a HUGE box. It was really cool and we got to decorate it with crayons. Really fun! Super amazingly cool news...on Christmas day I undressed and dressed myself by myself! There was a lot of struggling and a lot of screaming, but I DID IT! Woohoooo!!
This week I have an appointment with a nutritionist at Regional Center. We'll see how that goes. We have Heather on Wednesday, and hopefully some great park days.
We want to say a BIG thank you to everyone for thinking of us this holiday season! We love all the presents...but we love that you love us even more! So, thank you Nana Cummings..Uncle Randy & Aunt Kathy..Grandpa, Weishi & Cate..Uncle Seth, Aunt Cory & Carson..Aunt Becky & Uncle Curt..Grandpa & Grandma Seifert..Aunt Ginny..Great Grandma & Grandpa Cummings. We love you all!!!
So, hoping you all had a wonderful holiday and who knows what the New Year will bring. Magic, I think!
Here's video of some of our favorite gifts......
Thank you, Uncle Randy and Aunt Kathy!
Thank you, Santa!
Thank you, Uncle Seth, Aunt Cory & Cousin Carson!
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