Pretty cool week. We played outside every evening waiting for dad to get home and we met a really neat girl, Addison, from 2 houses down. She's 4, and she really likes Winston. When we first met her I was pretty nervous. Lately I've been having a really hard time being around kids I don't know. When we go to the park, or like when we met Addison, if a kid approaches me I scream and run to mom asking for a hug. This is the second time for me, going through a stage where kids freak me out. I'm still comfortable with my classmates, so that's good. I'm sure it will did last time. Still, it's not very fun for anyone. But once I saw Addison playing with Winston, I started to get comfortable and saw that she was pretty fun. I'm looking forward to hanging out with her again real soon.
So, I got my very first school progress report. I had 5 goals....
#1 Pragmatics/Joint Attention: "Saf exceeded our expectations for this benchmark."
#2 Transition to new school: "Saf has more than exceeded this benchmark. She participates in all class activities, and she is an excellent role model for her peers."
#3 Articulation: "Saf is using targeted sounds in 3/4 opportunities...benchmark met."
#4 New motor actions: "Saf has already met this goal. She is still hesitant with changes in surfaces and stairs, but is no longer crawling to navigate these."
#5 Emotional Self-regulation: "Saf has made great gains in this area. We are so proud of you Saf."
So, I still have some fine tuning, but not bad for a first report! Mom and dad were so proud that I'm a role model to my peers. Pretty neat stuff!
As far as my OT and speech evaluations at the rehab center....not so good. They told mom that they didn't have the "equipment, knowledge, or skill base" to work with me. They said, "We're sorry, but we can't help you." They were really nice, and honest. They said that my sensory integration issues needed more than they could offer. They referred us to an OT in Fresno that works on sensory integration. Mom's heard of him before, but because he's in Fresno we tried to go local first. Also, remember the jerk that made mom cry at Regional Center....he told us to go to the rehab center. Anyways, it was a HUGE let down and just another situation in which a person sees that I need the help but has no idea how to provide it. Like I said, though, they were really nice and really sensitive to my needs and we appreciated their candor and heart felt apologies. Mom will contact the guy in Fresno. The chances of me tolerating an hour drive to Fresno and still being "available" when we get to the session is slim to none. The OT that's working with Nixi works for maybe she could even work with me. Insurance won't cover sensory integration for sure. That's a guarantee. Mom's gonna try to compel Regional Center to help, as the place they referred us to said they can't help us. We'll see. Sort of a snowball's chance in you know where. Parting words from the rehab center, "Just because we can't help you doesn't mean you don't need to get help somewhere where they can. You've got a small window here for a number of life skills, and its closing fast." Yeah.............we know. To be continued......
Mom made the kitchen bar into a HUGE felt board for us and we've been having tons of fun with it. We're using to learn about holidays, emotions, social interaction, colors, shapes, etc. If there's something we need to work on, all mom has to do is figure out a way to cut it out in felt and we're off! It's a fun way for us to learn and just enjoy lots of fun with mom and dad. We like it a lot.
Oh, and THANK YOU everyone for the Halloween cards...and $! Mom used our Halloween money to buy the stuff to make the felt board!
With that, I'm signing off. Hope you all are doing great and check back in next week for Nixi's post!
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