Ok, so we're still dragging. Poor Nixi came down with a fever of 103 on Thursday night, and her fever stayed between 103 and 101 for 2 days. She's feeling a little better today, but not much. I'm holding strong.......but mom's thinking of taking me to the doc because I've still got a congested chest and its been two weeks.
When I get sick he only way mom and dad know is if I have a fever. Otherwise, I'm active as ever and my mood is about the same as usual. 2 weeks for a cough is a bit much, though...we'll see.
We had a great week last week!
I put my own socks on by myself, thank you very much! That's hard! I also walked into class all three days and mom and Nixi were able to leave on the spot! The only drag, now that I'm back in the swing of things with school....this whole week is off for Thanksgiving!!! That's always how it works, just when I get the hang of something or get into something, the game changes! Luckily, mom has started a visual schedule for us in preparation for situations like this, to teach us the days of the week, and to help us see what the day has in store for us. It seemed to help me with going to school, so hopefully it'll help this week with understanding that I don't have school. Its cool, its a laminated week long calendar with several squares under each day. Mom writes in all the steps we take throughout the day with a dry erase marker. Stuff like "brush teeth and comb hair" followed by "shoes" and "school"....or park, or whatever. Its cool because at any point in the day we can check the schedule to see what's coming next...and giggle at mom's stick figure drawings! Nixi likes it a lot, too. Her favorite is at nap and bedtime, mom tells us to the check the schedule and she's loves when it gets to the picture of the bed. She yells "nigh nigh!!!!" and thinks she super cool. Its kinda cute.
We had a really fun time up at Nixi's therapy appointment. She'll finally get to see the really neat OT December 1st. She hasn't seen her since the day she came to evaluate her. Its hard because our schedule is pretty full, and the OT is only down here part time. In any case, looking forward to the kid sister getting seen and coming home with lots of cool things we both can do!
Friday we got to see my BIA, Heather, and we had lots of fun. Nixi thought she was magic...'cuz she was making this little ribber frog do amazing things. I thought it was pretty cool, too.
We also got some new winter hats.....as you can see, I LOVE my panda hat and mittens. So much so, that I wore them for three hours straight and even went to bed with them on!
So, Happy Thanksgiving to you all........check back in next week to hear how I did with the major adjustment in my schedule (darn holidays) and too see some cool holiday pictures and video!
Never too sick to mess with the kitten.......
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