.....I chose to go for intensity.
What a fun week getting to know our new kitten. We've changed his name, again...Saf keeps calling him Kitten and I call him Kitty...so his name is Kit! Kit is so much fun. Mom bought us some magic kitty wands...when we wave 'em, Kit comes running. Its really fun...even though it freaks me out a bit. He's really fast...you never know..he could be going for the jugular!
So, mom forgot to update everyone on my MRI and blood work. Everything came out fine. There is no organic cause for some of the things I have going on. What does that mean? Ok, so mom and dad took me for all the testing to try to find alternate reasons for some of the things I'm struggling with....as most of them can be autistic spectrum (ASD) related. Let's take my low muscle tone. While hypotonia is not a diagnostic criteria for ASD's, it is often seen in kids with ASD's, and may be due to the sensory processing quality of ASD's. We all know I have sensory processing disorder (SPD), but SPD doesn't account for some of my other struggles. Most kiddos my age are generally pretty happy, with bouts throughout of the day of unhappiness. Seems I can't quite get a grasp on the ever elusive happiness deal. Sure, I have happy bouts throughout the day, especially when I'm hanging out with Saf...but they're never lasting and they seem to only happen when someone's really working at making me happy. My baseline is pretty much unhappiness. Unfortunately, lately it seems as though I'm getting even more unhappy. I'm starting to have some pretty big meltdowns...so bad that last week I broke capillaries in my eye from screaming so loud for so long. I'm starting to get really particular about things, like if I see mom break a cracker before giving it to me I get really upset and can't seem to feel better unless she gives me one that hasn't been broken. I've started, on occasion, lining things up. I'm doing a good deal of toe walking, and I really like to walk in circles and crash into things. When we're out and about, like at the park, I prefer to play with sticks and stuff and I get so into looking at them that I don't seem to notice other kids and stuff...even when I'm being touched by them. If I do notice other people, I'm generally pretty uncomfortable and try to get away. I've been repeating words and phrases over and over to myself throughout the day. In general, I'm getting a lot more rigid about the way things have to be for me to feel ok...and when they're not, I'm getting a whole lot more extreme in reaction to it. What this all means for me, who knows. But mom and dad, as well as the people working with me are pretty sure that I'm on the spectrum...its just a matter of where on the spectrum. Time will tell, I just hope I can work with mom and dad and everyone to get myself real happy...that'd be cool.
So, that's that.
Saf had a GREAT week at school. They did school pictures and Saf's teacher said she smiled super big for the camera! Every month her class has a theme...last month was farms. This month is Halloween! She'll have a fieldtrip to the pumpkin patch, and a Halloween carnival at her school...I get to go to both! It's gonna be so awesome!
This week I get to meet the new Early Intervention Occupational Therapist (OT). She's supposed to be really good, and she used to work at the Mind Institute at UC Davis...one of the premier research programs for autism! Can't wait to meet her!
We have a big week ahead, catch us next week to see how it all went!
Some clips of loving the new kitty.....
I love him...and where he goes I'll follow.......
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