Interesting week.
I had my early intervention up at the therapy center and Saf and I had a usual. On Wednesday I had a pumpkin patch outing with the early intervention crew. It was super fun! They have these things filled with dry corn kernels that you can play in. I LOVED it!
Saf had a rough week with school. She was crying and saying "no school" from the minute she woke up. Tuesday she was able to get there and Teacher Jenn helped her into class. Wednesday she refused to get into the car, going down in the kitchen screaming and crying. Mom and Teacher Jenn decided it would be best if we all powered through it, so mom had to forcefully put Saf in the car. Poor mom, Saf was panicked and grabbing mom's hair and kicking her in the head while she tried to buckle her in her car seat. A five point harness is not always your friend, turns out. On the drive to school Saf was kicking the window and screaming and mom thought it might just break. Once Teacher Jenn helped us into the classroom Saf did an amazing job of calming herself just like she did last week. Thursday was a field trip day to the pumpkin patch, and Saf's hardest day yet. Started the same as Wed. with mom having to put Saf in the car. This time, no matter how she tried, Saf couldn't seem to calm herself down. Teacher Jenn carried her on the bus, screaming and crying the whole time. Panic doesn't quite cover it. Mom and I drove behind the bus so we could go, too. Once we got there, Saf was still really upset. At one point mom saw some furry caterpillars and grabbed 'em. Once she showed them to Saf, she used them to lure Saf around the patch..."Ooh, let's show the caterpillars the corn!"...etc. It worked to an extent. In the last moments, once Saf knew we were all leaving, she hugged Teacher Jenn and was happy as can be. Really rough time. A low of all low's.
However, on that same day I had my highest of high's! I played with a boy from Saf's class in the corn. That is the first time I've ever played with a kid other than Saf. I looked at him a few times, so I knew he was there, and we put corn in a bucket together. Big deal....SUPER big deal! Mom about cried...but I suppose she was all cried out. Great time!
Friday we had Saf's BIA consultant over. We haven't seen her since she did the evaluation for services...months ago. She's really neat and we all like her alot. Mom talked to her about Saf and they picked apart the school problem piece by piece. They think they have it figured out. See, kiddos with autism are pretty particular about the way things are...I think its called rigid. Anyways, Saf was doing great at school until they changed themes...from farm in September to Halloween for this month. Basically, she went to school one day with all of the farm decorations and songs and day, everything was different. The class was filled with Halloween stuff, songs, etc. Saf needs a beginning and an end to be able to move forward. If she is unable to get closure on things she gets stuck. So, mom called Teacher Jenn and she agreed. So, this week she'll bring out some of the farm stuff and the kids can say "good bye" to it. The following week, the kids will help put away the Halloween stuff and get a preview of the Thanksgiving stuff. Every month they'll have a transition ritual to the next theme. I bet that'll help Saf a lot! Fingers crossed.
So, this week will be an exciting one. Saf has her speech and OT evals at the rehab center, and Thursday is Saf's school Halloween dress-up/carnival day. Dad is gonna take that day off and we all get to go. I get to dress up, too! On Halloween dad is gonna go in different rooms of the house, we'll get to knock on the doors, say our "trick or treat", and we'll get goodies! Practice for the real deal some day! Make sure to check in next week to see our great costumes! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
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