What a week! My favorite day was today, so I'm gonna go backwards 'cuz I can hardly contain myself!
So, mom and dad took us to J&K Farley Farm to go grape and tomato picking and to see all the neat farm animals! It was SOOOOO cool! We saw goats, a cow, turkeys, a llama, emu, a donkey, a sheep, and a pygmy horse! Ok, so maybe the emu and llama aren't your typical farm animals....but, boy, are they cool! I liked the cow the best because it kept sticking its crazy tongue out and trying to kiss me. I think Saf liked them all...but maybe the goats were her favorite...or maybe the emu? Mom was a little freaked out by the emu...you'll see on the video that mom had to stop rolling abruptly because Saf was about to take one massive peck to the head! Saf thought it was hysterical! I got to ride in a the wagon while mom, dad, and Saf picked the grapes...bumpy ride, but super fun! Saf picked grapes one by one...mom and dad grabbed 'em by the bunch. While I think their method was more about volume, Saf's seemed to be more about the quality...meticulously studying each one before deciding weather it could go in the box. You gotta love attention to detail! It was just a great time!
The rest of the week....pretty ok. We went to the doctor on Monday. Before we went mom played us youtube videos of kids going to the doctor, and she downloaded a picture of our pediatrician so we could see him in between the clips. Whatever it was, we had a great visit. I cried a lot, but that's just how I roll. The real shocker was how amazing Saf did. She wasn't pleased about it, but she walked in on her own two feet and even got her ears examined without mom having to restrain her. The best visit ever, or all time! Our doc was amazed and mom was just plain proud. It was AWESOME! The bummer, we both had sinus infections...but with some meds we're all better now.
Saf still loves school. She went to class 3 times this week and LOVED IT! She also got a big girl backpack...check out the video of her going to class! Mom and I even left and went home because she was doing so great! Very cool. She didn't shed a tear when we left her, but she cried like no tomorrow when we picked her up and she had to go home! She just loves it so much! Mom also figured out how to help Saf decompress...we come home and eat lunch then play outside and swing for a half an hour before starting the 45 min. lead up to nap. So far she's been feeling much better and we haven't had any major overloads!
I got to meet my new Early Intervention "teacher"...she's like a case manager. She seemed nice, but I decided I wasn't in the mood and checked out. I went totally floppy, mouth open, dead asleep. Literally the minute she was gone I was running down the hall laughing and screaming. HA! Fooled you!
So, just a neat week. Hope yours was just a great!
At the farm....watch out for those emu!
More fun at the farm......
Saf on her way to class.......
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