The fair RULES! Wow, what a week! Let's get right into it!
We started the week with Nixi getting to go to the therapy center where we used to do speech/OT. We had super fun and Nixi did a great job of asking her Early Interventionist for help! It's what mom calls a "door open" kinda day. Nixi was feeling good and acting very comfortable for most of the to trying new things and exploring. It was great! We still both have runny noses, but other than that we seem to be getting better.
I got to go to school on Tuesday...still LOVE it! I got to finger paint a pig, 'cuz this month we're learning all about farms. On Wednesday I didn't have school, but that was ok 'cuz we our Nana came to visit. We went to the pet store and looked at all the animals, topping the day off with some park time. It was awesome!
Thursday....the big day...FAIR DAY! Ok, so I'll give you a blow by blow. We got to school, and it was so cool because everyone's parents were there and stuff. Kind of confusing....teacher Jenn said we had to leave to get on the bus. I thought we had to go home and got really upset. Teacher Jenn carried me out to the bus and tried to help me understand what we were doing. I wasn't buying it....until we got on the bus! WOW! Buses are SO COOL! They made everyone do an evacuation after getting on, we had to get back off?!?! The bus driver let me stay on...'cuz I think he knew I probably wouldn't have made it back on. Off we went! We sang "the wheels on the bus" and just had super fun. Mom, Nana, and Nixi followed in their car. We all got to tour the fair and see all of the animals. Mom and Nana hung back with Nixi and I got to walk with teacher Jenn and Teacher Allison. We saw cows, sheep being sheered, pigs, name it, we saw it. We also toured the art pavilion....and low and behold, teacher Jenn had submitted our art and it was there hanging for everyone to see! Mine looked great and mom was SO PROUD! What a neat surprise. An even neater surprise, dad got out of jury duty and surprised us all by finding us at the fair and finishing the morning off with us. It was just the greatest day ever! I loved it!
We had a great visit with Nana. I read a book with her and Nixi looked at her a lot. It was fun...I even gave a her a hug and a kiss when she had to leave!
It was just a great week. We had so many huge events and we handled them all pretty darn well. Don't suppose this week will be nearly as exciting....but you never can tell in this house!
Getting on the bus was rough, and confusing.......
Nixi got right into the spirit and became a member of the "choir"...
Hey, that's Julie in the first picture! This was right before we met you at Del Lago. Nice little coincidence.