Dress up RULES.............
What a looooooooooooong week! We had a lot of fun, but it just seemed to drag on and on.
Monday I had an appointment with my early interventionist up at the therapy center. Saf and I had a great time.
Tuesday Saf had school....enter, speed bump. Ok, so last week was the fair. It was great and exciting...also overwhelming and a bit confusing. So, this week Saf struggled with going to school. Once she was in class and into the routine, she did great. She just had a hard time getting through those doors. Lots of crying, screaming, some kicking...it was rough. Mom, me, and Teacher Jenn just helped her through it...and she went all three days. Hoping she doesn't have as hard of a time this week. Either way, we'll just work through it and move on.
Really exciting...Saf got her artwork back from the fair and her and her whole class got 1st Prize blue ribbons! So neat!
We went to the doctor on Friday because we just can't seem to shake the runny noses. Saf did AMAZING...even better than last time. She didn't even sit on mom's lap, and let the doctor check her ears, lungs, etc. I did super great, clapping for myself after every portion of the exam! Turns out we both just have really bad allergies. Living in this dusty valley surely isn't helping much. So, runny noses it is...at least until wetter weather.
We want to wish our Cousin Matt Marapese a wonderful life with his new beautiful bride. Mom is so very happy for you and we just think it's the coolest, too!
Had some great park days, and some not so great ones. It was a mixed bag this week. Can't wait to see what next week brings!